The Debt 4
didn’t want
to be useless, not tonight.
    Raven reached out and touched Jake’s bare
chest, caressing it with her fingertips.   “I could talk to you about what happened to me in high school, but I’d
rather focus on you.”   Her hand slid
down to his stomach, and then he was grabbing her wrist.
    “What if I want to focus on you?” he
    “There’s a lot of different ways to do
that,” she said, smiling a little in the darkness.
    “I want to know what happened between you
and those guys.”
    “Why, you believe what Andre told you about
    “I didn’t say that,” Jake replied.   “The point is, he didn’t tell me
anything concrete.   But he
insinuated some stuff.   I’m just
curious what actually happened.”
    “Maybe you’ll have to guess,” Raven said,
knowing that she was starting to infuriate him.
    Suddenly, Jake had pulled her close to
his body, and she could feel his breath on her cheek.   “I don’t play guessing
games,” he said, his voice gravelly.  
    She arched her body into him, feeling her
t-shirt ride up on her legs as she pressed against him and realized he was
completely nude, not even wearing boxers.   And he was hard as a rock.   His cock slid against her upper thigh.  
    “You don’t have to play any games with
me, Jake,” she whispered.
    “I’m not so sure about that,” he
said.   “Because you won’t tell me
what I want to know.”
    “That was a long time ago—this is
now,” she said.
    “What’s his name, your ex?” he demanded.
    “Caleb,” she said, starting to feel
annoyed.   “But I don’t want to talk
about him.”
    “Caleb,” Jake said, his tone
dismissive.   “Did you love him?”
    “I thought I did.”   She tried to pull free from Jake’s grasp
but he wouldn’t let her.
    “Do you still have feelings for that guy?”
he said, becoming insistent.
    She laughed.   “Don’t be ridiculous.”
    “Don’t call me ridiculous, Raven,” he
said, and she could hear from his voice that he was charged up.
    “Are you jealous or something?” she
laughed again.
    And then he was using her wrist, twisting
it until she turned away, and then he grabbed her other wrist and pushed her
onto her stomach on the bed.   He had
her arms pinned to the mattress and he was straddling her legs.
    Her t-shirt had pulled up to her hips,
exposing her lower half completely.
    Jake flattened his body down on top of
her and his lips were against her ear.   “I don’t like that guy, Caleb,” he said.   “I don’t like that you were even in the
same room as him tonight.”
    “During the fight?” she said.   “All he did was pull me away when I was
trying to get involved.”
    “How nice of him,” Jake said
sarcastically.   “He must have been
really concerned about you, after his sidekick talked all that shit.”
    “I don’t care about Caleb,” she said.   “I don’t care about him at all.”    
    Jake let go of her wrists and sat
up.   And then he was grabbing her
butt cheeks with both hands.   “You
won’t tell me what I want to know, Raven.   You won’t fucking tell me what I want to hear.”
    And then he spanked her ass.
    The sound was loud, like a gunshot in the
tiny room.
    “Jake,” she whispered.   “Someone’s going to hear.”
    “I don’t care.”   His breathing was heavy.
    He spanked her bare ass hard.   She moaned, as the beautiful sexy pain
made her shiver with the intensity of it.   She grit her teeth.
    “Jake,” she moaned.
    “You shouldn’t keep things from me,” Jake
said.   Slap.   His hand crashed into her bare buttock
and then he held her ass, squeezing it tightly.   “It makes me crazy.”
    She couldn’t believe what he was able to
do to her.   “I don’t want to think
about my past,” she moaned softly to him.  
    And then he was grabbing her hair with
one hand as his other hand spanked her ass cheeks, and he pulled her hair.   “Then let’s focus on you,” he

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