Major Lord David

Major Lord David by Sherry Lynn Ferguson

Book: Major Lord David by Sherry Lynn Ferguson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sherry Lynn Ferguson
    “Sometimes,” he continued softly, observing her, “a decision, any decision, is the only requirement. I should like one
now-yes, no, or that you must have more time.”
    Billie swallowed. She did not truly wish to say no, but she
could not condemn him to yes. And she could not ask again
for more time; doing so would delay the decision he deserved.
The major wished to be getting on.
    “No,” she said.
    His smile held. But something of humor fled his gaze. Billie suspected that no man could enjoy being refused, whatever
the relief of it. She sensed also that no matter what she said,
their connection was accepted, a given. There had always
been an undercurrent that defied words.
    “You think we would not suit?” he asked lightly.
    “That is not the point.”
    “It is very much the point!” But he checked himself and
partly turned from her. “I suppose it says a great deal about
my vanity-that had you said yes, I would not have sought the
reasons. But as you’ve told me no, and as we’ve always spoken openly with each other, perhaps you might share your reasons with me now? Despite your dismissal in January, I
confess I’d expected to send an announcement to the Times.”
    She thought her jaw might actually have dropped. She’d had no notion he was so committed. But he had asked for an

    “First, then-the circumstances are not at all conducive to
any … any lasting contentment. You should not-that is, we
should not be held accountable for a moment’s indiscretion.
‘Tis not … enlightened.” As his eyes widened, she added, “I
am certain that if either of us could return to the New Year, we
would not repeat the mistake. That alone is in the nature of a
    He looked amused. “I assure you, Miss Billie, my thoughts
have returned to the New Year quite often indeed, and with
too much pleasure to believe myself at all repentant” As she
blushed, he went on. “You cite the `circumstances’ that bound
us as something entirely negative. But could they not also be
an opportunity?”
    “How do you mean, Major?”
    “Why, that we established that we like each other well
enough-before the interference of our fathers. And we are
neighbors-an unexpected boon, as I’d thought to have my
cousin Chas, who has an exceptional eye, pick out a promising piece of ground for me near Braughton. The timing would
seem opportune as well, for if I were not selling out and settling down just now, I should probably be looking to rejoin my
    “The House Guards-the Coldstream regiment.”
    “Yes” He smiled. “You spoke of the `circumstances’ as your
first reason. Is there another?”
    She nodded. “My family. My brothers. You know that you do
not get on-”
    “Get on!”
    She thought he held back a laugh.
    “My dear Miss Billie, any group of men would `get on’ with
considerably less inducement than your contentment” His
easy gallantry again made her blush. “I assure you, we would
find a way to do it.”

    “You do not understand! Kit is now in-he is now in very
deep. With gentlemen like P.B. Marsh and Ronald Dumont”
    “Mr. Christopher does not appear to think very clearly-if
he thinks at all.”
    She set her shoulders. “That is precisely the kind of comment I find objectionable!”
    “It is a fact. I have advised you before, Miss Billie, that you
should not distress yourself by taking any responsibility for
the folly of your brother.”
    “You choose to be cavalier, to be too dismissive. Would you
not come to the aid of your own brother, Lord Hayden? He
has certainly come to yours”
    “As you are so enamored of my brother, perhaps you should
much prefer to marry him.”
    “You move too quickly to something absurd! It is astonishing! What has Lord Hayden to do with anything?”
    “What has Christopher Caswell?”
    She glared at him. “You asked for my reasons, Major. I
think perhaps I should not

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