Major Lord David

Major Lord David by Sherry Lynn Ferguson Page A

Book: Major Lord David by Sherry Lynn Ferguson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sherry Lynn Ferguson
    “You mean there are more?” He appeared to realize he had
sounded rude, and briefly firmed his lips. “Let me simply say
first, that with regard to your brothers, there is every chance I
might in time grow to like them rather well. I share interests
with Edward-once I can master my envy that he might spend
his days reading. And apparently I share some experience with
your absent brother, the captain. With Morty”-he paused and
lifted his chin as though his collar chafed-“that may take some
time. But perhaps if he were to find contentment with Miss
Urquhart, he might forgive me my ancient trespass with Cora
    Wishing to hide her smile, Billie glanced quickly at the fire.
    “As for Kit,” he continued, “someday you must enlighten
me as to why he holds me in such dislike.”
    “Oh, that. I suspect Kit envies you. He had a great desire to
purchase colors, and my parents would not allow it. My mother would not even permit Kit to join the local militia. Not while
Jack was with the regulars. And after Jack sold out, with the
peace, Kit lost interest. Yes, I think, Major, that he must envy
you your adventures”

    “‘Twould be an independence gained at considerable cost.
I have mentioned as much before.”
    “Yes. But surely you understand it?”
    He nodded. His gaze examined her closely. “I believe he
may also be jealous of your attentions, Miss Billie. Perhaps
he objects to the fact that I … distract you in any fashion.”
    “If that were the case”-she smiled-“one might believe I
would have more influence over him. But I appear to have little.”
She sighed. “I cannot keep him from his gaming.”
    The room had grown darker. The evening had set in. Aunt
Ephie still sat absorbed by her stitching at the hearth. Billie
wondered when the lamps had been lit; she had not noticed.
She thought it would have been welcome, and so very comfortable, to sit with David Trent and plan a future by firelight.
But instead of gratifying her heart’s desire, she meant to defeat it.
    “You said you had more reasons,” he prompted, “for sending me on my way?”
    “Yes, I-” She lowered her voice, not wishing Ephie to
hear. “I cannot help but notice your attentions to Miss Athington. I would not keep you from pursuing such an interest.”
    To her astonishment, he laughed. “Attentions to Miss Athington!” he protested. “But that is nonsense! I have no interest in
Miss Athington. ‘Tis not chivalrous to say so, I know, but the
`attentions’ have all been on her part. My interest has been in
you alone.”
    She swallowed. “But who knows who else might have drawn
your interest, had you not found yourself obligated to me?”
    “That is a different argument and one I cannot address, as it
falls so entirely within the realm of conjecture. I did not set out with the notion of marrying this spring, Miss Billie. Indeed,
I’d had little time for entertaining the idea. But any concerns
for Miss Athington’s sensibilities are misplaced. Again, I
know I am not charitable, but my observation has been that
May Sanders and Charis Athington should not be counted
among your friends.”

    “Because they are yours?”
    For a moment he was silent, and rather white about the
mouth. She hadn’t meant to provoke him so; his readiness to
refute her had surprised her. Surely he had to be relieved that
she cried off? She wondered why the man could not simply be
grateful for her understanding and be done with it.
    “That those two should be your friends, Miss Billie, surprises me,” he said loftily. “Because they are everything you
are not-vain, designing, and mean-spirited.”
    He had again complimented her-rather grandly, as it
happened-but she scarcely had a second to enjoy what he’d
said, before he was adding, “If these are your reasons, I confess I do not find them insurmountable. I am still prepared to
honor the arrangement.”
    ” `Prepared’ ! My lord,

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