The Deathlord of Ixia

The Deathlord of Ixia by Joe Dever Page B

Book: The Deathlord of Ixia by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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above Xaagon. Yet there may be a way of avoiding contact with this raw power. You notice that the two freestanding pillars do not go all the way to the ceiling — there is a gap at the top, a little over two feet wide.
    If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it, turn to 136 .
    If you wish to attempt to climb one of the pillars and squeeze through the gap in order to reach the adjoining hall, turn to 297 .
    If you decide to throw caution to the wind and run directly between the pillars, turn to 211 .

    At once you recognize the winged creatures. You encountered them the last time you were here upon the Plane of Darkness. They are Lavas — fell servants of the Dark God Naar.
    The dozen or so Lavas surrounding the ailing Tagazin appear to be urging him on towards the Shadow Gate. Your hopes of returning to your home world rose when first you saw the Shadow Gate, but now the familiar sensation of fear returns to chill your blood. The thought occurs to you that if Tagazin should enter the Shadow Gate before you, the Lavas may be able to close it behind him and deny you the chance of escaping from this evil domain. It is a risk you cannot afford to take.
    Drawing your weapon, you race along the track in pursuit of the Demonlord, grimly determined to prevent him from reaching the Shadow Gate alive.
    If you possess Assimilance, turn to 347 .
    If you do not possess this Discipline, turn to 38 .

    Less than fifty yards away you see a shaggy, grey-furred beast of burden which is harnessed to a wooden wagon. A troop of undead soldiers is unloading shiny metallic containers from the back of this wagon which they then carry, cradled in their bony arms, into the open mouth of the submarine.
    Stealthily, you make your way closer to the wagon and await the chance to climb aboard as soon as the final container has been off-loaded. At last the opportunity arrives; you leap aboard and hide yourself from sight beneath a greasy, foul-smelling tarpaulin.
    After a few minutes you feel a jolt as the wagon moves off. Through a crack in its ancient wooden planks, you watch with trepidation as the wagon trundles along a causeway towards the distant tunnel entrance. It enters the tunnel, unchallenged by the skeletal warriors who stand guard here, and ascends a gentle gradient to another ice-walled cavern. Several passages connect here from all directions, like the spokes of a giant wheel converging at the hub.
    Illustration XIII —The undead soldiers unload metallic containers into the open mouth of the submarine.
    An undead Drakkarim soldier steps forward, takes hold of the shaggy beast's harness, and leads the wagon towards a stockpile of metallic containers. Clearly he intends to load these onto the wagon for transportation back to the submarine. Fearing discovery, you leap from the rear of the moving wagon and hide yourself among a stack of empty wooden crates. From here you observe two possible ways by which you could leave this busy cavern: by an unguarded staircase in the north wall, or through an open archway in the east wall.
    If you wish to leave this cavern by the staircase, turn to 141 .
    If you choose to leave through the open archway, turn to 7 .

    Aided by your mastery, you crouch down amongst the foul-smelling debris which litters the floor of the hold. A dozen undead warriors enter by the stairs and begin a systematic search, but your advanced camouflage skills make you virtually invisible, even to their psychic probes.
    Turn to 118 .

    You strike your killing blow and the creature's tongue flickers in and out as it hisses like a sleeting gale. It drops to its knees, its talons scrabbling for your legs, and its eyes flaring brightly with evil fire. Quickly you step back and watch the flames that are its eyes flicker and go out. Then it crumples to the icy ground, its body transforming swiftly into an evil-smelling pool of bubbling black venom.
    The destruction of the Cabalah seems to weaken the attacking horde.

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