The Deathlord of Ixia

The Deathlord of Ixia by Joe Dever Page A

Book: The Deathlord of Ixia by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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towards the bow of the ship in panic: ‘Save us!’ they cry. ‘Ishir save us! It's going to eat us alive!’
    Turn to 236 .

    Outside of this vessel is a vast subterranean lake enclosed within a titanic cavern of ice. Several ice-boats, similar to the one on which you set sail from Fort Azgad, are moored in a long line at the lake's edge. Scores of undead warriors attend to these ships, and many more can be seen marching along the frosty walkways which go all around the lake's shoreline.
    Quickly you realize that these ships are part of a great invasion fleet. Constructed by the slaves of Deathlord Ixiataaga, they can only have been built for one purpose — to carry his armies of undead warriors to the lands of the living. Rimoah and Ardan were correct — the Deathlord does intend to wage a bloody war upon Magnamund — yet even their gloomiest predictions failed to estimate just how advanced his plans are.
    Shocked by the revelation of your discovery, you reaffirm your vow to thwart the Deathlord's monstrous scheme. You move away from the porthole and hurry along the hallway in search of a way out of this alien submarine.
    Turn to 69 .

    The howling winds of the void rip at your face and clothing as you plummet into the core of the lightless abyss. You lose all sense of time until, in the remote distance, you see tiny motes of light come streaking towards your face. Then, as suddenly as it began, the sensation of falling through deep space is replaced by an abrupt cessation of movement.
    Stunned and disorientated, you shake your head and rise uneasily to your feet. As your blurred vision clears, you see that you have returned to the chamber of the Crystal Spire from where you were first sent tumbling into the Shadow Gate. It is empty now. Fearing the worst, you use your Kai skills to determine the time and the date. To your immediate relief you discover that only a few hours have elapsed during your absence from Magnamund; it is still possible for you to achieve your quest.
    You resolve to find the Deathlord, even if it means searching every chamber of the Crystal Spire. You turn to leave this hall, but a noise behind you makes you freeze in your tracks. The sudden stench of decay and corruption tells you that you may not have to look too far to find your adversary after all.
    Turn to 90 .

    Your Kai Mastery warns you that you have inadvertently triggered a silent alarm. You unsheathe your weapon and turn to leave this rubble-strewn chamber, but as you move towards the stairs you hear a sound that makes you spin on your heel: it is the grating rumble of stone on stone.

    From out of a secret panel in the wall to your left come six skeletal warriors, each one brandishing a rust-pitted sword. They make no sound, yet their eye sockets are aglow with sorcerous fire as they rush across the chamber towards you.
    If you wish to stand and fight these skeletal warriors, turn to 242 .
    If you choose to escape from this chamber by the stairs, turn to 343 .

    After a few minutes of intense concentration your Kai Mastery pays off. Successfully you will the lock to disengage, yet the effort required is far greater than you could have anticipated and it leaves you mentally weakened: lose 2 ENDURANCE points.
    The portal begins to shimmer and lose its solidity. At first it becomes transparent and then it fades completely, as if evaporating into thin air. With a smile of satisfaction on your lips at having overcome it, you step through the now-open archway and into an adjoining hall.

    This vaulted, oblong-shaped hall is illuminated by flickerings of electrical fire which arc between two freestanding pillars at the far end of the chamber.
    Beyond the pillars you can make out the shadowy entrance to another chamber; it is the only other exit from this hall. You realize at once that to pass between the pillars could prove to be fatal: the power arcing between them is as great as any lightning storm raging in the skies

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