Wait for him to climb up a long ladder and push the ladder. But I have never seen him go up a ladder.
POISON. You can pour poison into someones ear when they sleep and it kills them. But there are no poison shops any more. Weedkiller is poison but I dont know if you can pour it into ears.
Carrier bag over his head so he cant breathe. But he would have time to take it off and put it over my head.
The Garage is wood outside so I could set it on fire when he is the only one there. But. But. But
The Silent Partner
Later that night I was on the settee writing in my exercise book Ways I Can Kill Uncle Alan and Mr Fairview was round but not with Leah and he was talking to Mum and Uncle Alan and he looked at me and he said Not a titter out of you is there little Philip?
Uncle Alan said Hes a quiet lad.
Mr Fairview nodded and said Dont worry about being shy. You know what the Good Book says?
I looked at Mum and Uncle Alan who were talking about Mr Fairview with their eyes and I said No.
Mr Fairview said The meek shall inherit the Earth.
I said Oh.
Uncle Alan said to Mr Fairview Are you going fishing tomorrow?
I wondered if Sleepy Eye Terry was going fishing with Uncle Alan as well and I wondered if he was going to tell Uncle Alan about the park and the Stink Bomb.
Mr Fairview was going to say something but he stopped the words he was going to say and he said I I I dont know.
I looked at Mr Fairview and I didnt understand how Leah is half from him. I wondered what happens in the time between when you are a child and when you are a dad.
Uncle Alan said Its just that me and Terry are going to go down near the weir and see what its like there. Meant to be good Carp.
Mr Fairview said Im Im going to be busy on Saturday. Im helping out at the church. Im in a bit of a hurry actually Alan. I dont suppose Id be able to take those books now.
The books he was talking about werent story books or History or murder books they were blue books with a sticker saying Garage Accounts on them. Uncle Alan gave them over and scratched the back of his head and said Bit of light reading.
Mr Fairview didnt say anything about that he just said Id better get off.
Uncle Alan saw him out and came back in and shrugged his shoulders at Mum and said Hes tapped in the head.
Mum said Id better go down and help behind the bar.
Uncle Alan was shaking his head and looking at the carpet and he said God knows what he wants those books for. He never asks for them.
Mum was doing her lipstick in the mirror over the fire and without moving her mouth she said You trust him dont you?
Uncle Alan said Hes been acting weird lately. Asking weird things. Ever since I wouldnt let him get out of the new contract.
Mum said What sort of weird things?
Uncle Alan sat on the sofa and started reading the Argos book and said I dont know. Just weird things about what hours me and Terry are working. I think he thinks Im spreading my-self too thin. What with working here as well. Stuff him. Hes never shown a blind bit of interest before. Hes just taken his share and kept it zipped like Silent Partners are supposed to. I mean thats what it is. SILENT Partner.
Mum put on more lipstick and made her mouth like a fish and said Perhaps you want to keep an eye on him.
Uncle Alan looked up from the Argos book and he looked at me but to Mum he said Someone else is always doing that.
Mum undid a button on her shirt and said What?
Uncle Alan said You dont worry about the God Squad because theyve always got Him Upstairs keeping an eye out. Keeping a score card for Saint Peter. I tell you they knew what they were doing when they invented religion. Its better than CCTV.
Mum said Im going to go down and give them a hand behind the bar. You two boys can stay chinwagging.
I looked at Uncle Alan and he lifted up the Argos book and he said to me You can tell me what you want from Father Christmas.
I didnt want anything from Father Christmas because I didnt believe in Father
Stanley Weintraub
Scott Hunter
Kay Hooper
A C Andersson
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C. Dale Brittain, Robert A. Bouchard
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