The Darathi Vorsi Prince (Song of the Swords Book 0)

The Darathi Vorsi Prince (Song of the Swords Book 0) by Tameri Etherton

Book: The Darathi Vorsi Prince (Song of the Swords Book 0) by Tameri Etherton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tameri Etherton
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into the distance. But there, almost hidden between two dolphins, the artist had skillfully inserted a mermaid into the scene. A broad smile lit up her face. For a moment, he thought he could hear her laughter.
    “ Rhoane, did you hear me ?” Faelara touched his sleeve, and he shook his head.
    “ I was distracted. I am sorry . ”
    Her smile was not nearly as joyful as the mermai d’ s .“ I said, the king and queen will see us now . ”
    Two massive doors swung inward to reveal a huge hall covered in the decorative tiles. Flowers, stars, the sea, desert s— every aspect of Summerlands life was captured in the room. The great vaulted ceiling was a blanket of midnight, with the sun at one end and twin moons at the other. In the direct center was Dal Tara.
    A thrill shot through him at the sight of his mothe r’ s resting place. Although it was only colored glass, the artist had infused the mosaic with a touch of ShantiMari, which gave the portrait ethereal appeal.
    At the far end of the room, two chairs sat upon a dais, with the king and queen looking as though the y’ d stepped from the ceiling. Queen Prateeni wore an elaborate headdress made of gold and gems. Exquisite strands of pearls framed her face. When she inclined her head in greeting, the sound of bells filled the space. Despite the heat, a thick blanket covered her body; its white fur shimmered against the quee n’ s burnished skin.
    Beside her, the king wore a less ostentatious crown, although it was covered in pearls, diamonds, and rubies. His right hand rested over the quee n’ s left, a simple gesture that piqued Rhoan e’ s interest. Most nobility rarely showed public affection, his mother and father among them. To see the king gaze upon his queen with devotion in his deep brown eyes charmed Rhoane.
    Myrddin chatted amiably with the monarchs as Rhoane and Faelara stood silently behind him. Obviously the mage was a frequent visitor to the palace. Again, Rhoane and Faelara shared a questioning glance. When finally the queen tilted her head in their direction, Myrddin finished his tale and hooked a thumb at them.
    “ As promised, I brought you the two most gifted healers in all the realms. They will see your child delivered without incident. The Summerlands will have an heir in short order . ”
    Faelar a’ s amber eyes flashed anger toward the mage, her lips thinned to a dangerous white line.
    “ You are both genari ?” Queen Prateeni asked. Rhoane had never heard the expression, and with the quee n’ s heavily accented Elennish, he was n’ t even sure whether sh e’ d asked or stated a fact.
    “ No, Your Majesty. I am Lady Faelara dal Arran. My father is High Priest of Talaith, and while I am skilled in healing, I am not genari. Neither is my friend .” Faelara cast a scathing glance at Myrddin, who smiled with a little too much mischief lurking upon his lips .“ May I present Prince Rhoane, First Son of the Eleri . ”
    Rhoane bowed low to the monarchs, his hand over his heart. Whatever was happening in the throne room, he wanted answers as much as Faelara did, but he chose to remain silent until he had the situation sorted.
    The queen clapped a hand over her mouth as an audible gasp escaped her lips .“ An Eleri? Here ?” She rose on unstable legs, and her husband immediately was at her side to help her down the few steps. Her belly, naked and swollen with her growing child, protruded above the waistband of her long skirt. A swirl of golden dots had been carefully painted onto her skin.
    “ Welcome, Prince Rhoane, Lady Faelara. I am Queen Prateeni, and this is my husband, King Faisal. But I’ m sure you already know this. By the looks on your faces, I am going to guess you did n’ t know you were coming here to assist in the birth of our son . ”
    The king placed a protective hand over Prateen i’ s belly .“ Your empress assured me you were skilled in childbirth. This has been a difficult pregnancy for my wife. We cannot lose

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