The Darathi Vorsi Prince (Song of the Swords Book 0)

The Darathi Vorsi Prince (Song of the Swords Book 0) by Tameri Etherton Page A

Book: The Darathi Vorsi Prince (Song of the Swords Book 0) by Tameri Etherton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tameri Etherton
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another child . ”
    “ Another ?” Faelara ventured .“ How many have there been ? ”
    “ Two thus far. Both male and in my final months .” Prateen i’ s skin turned a horrible shade of ash, and Faelara reached for the woma n’ s temple.
    “ You are like ice. Help me get her to her rooms. Rhoane, come with me .” Faelara spit out orders faster than a hemlox did vinegar seeds. The others in the room moved into action, heeding every command the petite woman made.
    Myrddin caught Rhoan e’ s elbow as he strode past .“ Do n’ t be angry with me, boy. I did what I had to do to get you here . ”
    “ Why the deception? You could have just asked us to attend her birth . ”
    “ And would you have come ? ”
    Rhoane knew the truth without saying the words. He would n’ t have traveled across the sea to help the queen, but manipulating them, as Myrddin had, deserved his wrath .“ I suppose we are not going to the other kingdoms, then ? ”
    “ Only if you want to do some sightseeing .” Myrddin clapped him on the back. A grin teased his lips .“ I know you spent more than three seasons with the Ullans, healing their sick, attending the wounded. You can do this, Rhoane. If the queen can give birth to one healthy child, she will never have difficulties again. I t’ s imperative to her House that she deliver this baby . ”
    Rhoane suppressed his anger. Myrddin had manipulated both him and Faelara and although he in time might understand why, he could n’ t let the queen suffer now .“ I will do this, for the queen and not for you. But you must promise me, no more lies. If you need my assistance, you ask for it. If you use subterfuge again, I will not view you as a friend. Are we clear ? ”
    Myrddin faced him, a sober expression on his face .“ You are a man of honor, Prince Rhoane. I do n’ t wish to be your enemy .” He held out his arm for Rhoane to grip, and the two embraced with the pact .“ Now, see to the queen, will you? I have an errand to run . ”
    Rhoane debated for a split second whether he should follow the mage, but Prateen i’ s screams pulled his attention to the royal bedchamber.
    The scene he walked into was one of horror. A pool of blood ran slick across the floor, with footprints smeared from one end to the other. The queen thrashed atop the covers, mumbling incoherently. Faelara sat by her side, speaking in soothing tones. The king paced the room, his face a thunderstorm of emotions. When he saw Rhoane, he approached, lashing out as he did.
    “ You! You brought this on. What sort of charlatan are you? An Eleri prince? Ha ! ”
    Startled and confused by the tirade, Rhoane refused to shrink from the man .“ I am not now, nor will I ever be, a charlatan. I have skill in healing, but if you would prefer I let your wife die, I will leave this room and never return. Her death will be on your conscience, Your Majesty, not mine . ”
    The king fumed anew. Words spoken in his native tongue sputtered from his lips. Curses, most likely. Rhoane waited out the tantrum. His thoughts spun. What in Ohli n’ s name did Myrddin get them into? And what did he mean, Rhoane and Faelara would n’ t search for Lliandr a’ s mate? Whatever game the empress was playing, Rhoane wanted no part, but just as he had to endure Amd i’ s arena, he suspected h e’ d have to endure Lliandr a’ s folly.
    Faisa l’ s tirade quieted and he nodded toward the bed .“ If you can help her, I would be grateful .” He grabbed Rhoan e’ s sleeve as he passed .“ But speak to me like that again, and I will not be as generous . ”
    Rhoane met the ma n’ s even stare .“ You cannot force respect, sire. It must be earned. I will forgive your outburst this time and look forward to your future generosity .” He had n’ t spent all that time with the Ullans without learning how to stare down his enemy. Except Rhoane did n’ t think Faisal was his enemy. He hoped the king felt the same. They needed to be allies, the

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