The Curse of Deadman's Forest

The Curse of Deadman's Forest by Victoria Laurie

Book: The Curse of Deadman's Forest by Victoria Laurie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Laurie
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mothers being dead unsettled him.
his mother dead? he wondered. He’d likely never know for certain.
    The earl nodded again and the señora clasped his hand for a moment before her face suddenly flashed into a brilliant smile. “All this melancholy talk simply won’t do after you’ve all endured such a long journey. Come along into the dining room, if you please, and we’ll enjoy an authentic Spanish lunch and talk of happier things.”
    It seemed to Ian that he and Carl weren’t the only ones looking forward to tasting whatever dish had that amazing smell, because everyone hurried after their hostess into the dining room.
    Once they were seated, Señora Castillo’s cook served them steaming plates of the best-tasting seafood stew Ian had ever had in his life. While he ate, he made sure to hold his tongue, lest someone say something in Spanish and cause him to slip. He settled for listening to the conversation the adults were having.
    He learned that Señora Castillo’s husband had passed away only the year before. She claimed that he had kept her in Spain through the war. “I couldn’t leave my beloved Ernesto,” she said. “And he was far too sick to travel for many years before he died. No, in the end it was better that he remained here, surrounded by his books, his art, and his people. I do miss him, though,” she added sadly, her eyesmisting. “As I said, no one comes round to visit an old lady in mourning anymore.”
    The table fell silent and Ian was sure no one knew what to say. But Theo surprised him when she reached out and took hold of the woman’s hand. “You’ll be all right,” she assured the widow. “And I expect you’ll soon visit your homeland, Señora Castillo. I’ve a mind to say that in just a short time, you’ll want to come back to England again.”
    Señora Castillo’s face registered some surprise. “As a matter of fact, my dear young miss, I received a letter from a cherished friend this very morning asking if I might want to join her for a visit! How uncanny that you should mention it to me this afternoon!”
    Theo smiled knowingly. “I believe you should accept the proposal, ma’am.”
    Señora Castillo continued to look at her with some surprise, and the professor steered the conversation back to the reason they’d traveled so far. “I’m anxious to look at Donovan’s journals, Señora Castillo. Have you by chance located them among his things?”
    “Oh, yes, Professor,” she said, pulling her attention away from Theo to beam at him. “Donovan was quite the prolific writer, you know. He was always scribbling in his journals. Even as a boy he wanted to capture the essence of his life by chronicling everything that happened to him. Such a shame he was with us for so brief a time. I’m sure he would have had the most wonderfully adventurous life.”
    “From what I’ve heard,” said the earl in a kindly voice, “your brother’s life was already rich with adventure, SeñoraCastillo. I should also be most interested to read his journals.”
    Señora Castillo nodded at him enthusiastically. “Yes, yes,” she said. “However, I must warn you that many of his later journal entries are nearly illegible. Donovan had the most dreadful penmanship, I’m afraid. I should think you’ll find deciphering his scribbles to be a task requiring patience and a keen mind.”
    Ian watched the professor beam at Señora Castillo. “I’m sure I’m up for the challenge,” he said.
    By this time Carmina was gathering up the dishes, and Ian couldn’t help noticing she was eying them all a bit warily. Theo was also keeping close watch on the servant, and the moment the cook went out of the room again, Theo leaned in and whispered, “I don’t like her.”
    He would have whispered back that he agreed, but Señora Castillo was getting to her feet and encouraging her guests to do the same. “I should think you all must be quite exhausted from your long journey and in need of

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