The Confidence Myth

The Confidence Myth by Helene Lerner Page A

Book: The Confidence Myth by Helene Lerner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Helene Lerner
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the reputational risk. It’s a much better way to grow the business long term . . . and you can sleep at night!”
What would you do?
Hold yourself back
Trust your inner compass
Your boss is discussing a potential problem, and team members are weighing in.
    You are privy to some information and have a gut sense that action should be taken now.
Your inner compass is drowned out by the assertive voices in the room, and you retreat. You don’t want to seem pushy.
The issue is important, and you assert that action needs to be taken and say why. You offer next steps.
Your client contact has been promoted, and she introduces you to her replacement. You sense he is insecure and only looking out for himself.
You ignore your gut feeling and tell him about a minor problem with the account. Later you hear through the grapevine that he’s complained about how you handled things.
You limit your interaction with him by delivering what is needed and nothing more. You realize that the best way to deal with someone you don’t trust is to communicate only what is necessary.
You’ve been offered a position with a start-up division. Your intuition is advising you to accept, even though doing so involves some risks.
You decide to play it safe. A start-up is risky. You’re not sure you’re ready for that.
You ask a trusted advisor’s opinion, and she sees the long-term possibility of advancement, which confirms what you sense. You decide to go for it.
Power tools
    â€¢ Don’t shortchange yourself . Your intuition is your unique professional edge. Rely on it more.
    â€¢ Practice trusting your intuition for all sorts of choices. Your first reaction to people and the difficult situations that are presented to you is usually right.
    â€¢ Let your inner compass decide which course to take in making a decision: move straight ahead; proceed with caution; wait, then decide; or decide it’s not right.

    At this very moment, you have everything you need to take a leap—your strengths, talents, intuition, imperfections—all of your different parts. Trust your impulse to make a difference—to speak up and introduce an idea or to go for a bigger position.
    Keep moving forward even though mad mind-chatter may be telling you to hold back. Don’t accept that negative self-talk as truth. Question it. The truth is that you are talented beyond measure, and the time for personal change is now. The world needs every bit of your resourcefulness.
    These last pages will help prepare you to step up in a new way. Let the inspiring words of these risk-taking leaders support you. They took action even when they felt shaky, and each of them is better off for it. I encourage you to do the same.
“Trust that you are ready.”
Debbie Storey, Chief Diversity Officer of AT&T
    If you’re asked to do a stretch assignment, go for it even if you don’t feel ready. If your supervisor thinks you can do it, trust her judgment.
    There were times in my career where I was given a job and I felt sick to my stomach. I thought,
I do not have any knowledge that will allow me to succeed in this job.
On one occasion, there were forty people around the table, the smartest people in the business, who had been managing the operation for thirty years. I kept thinking,
I’m sitting at the head of the table and I have to solve this problem.
What helped me get through it was that I told myself, “My managers would not have put me here if they did not think I could do it.”
    I went home that night and realized I was brought here because of my set of skills. I told myself, “Go back to those skills that you know you do well, and do it here.”
“Mentally promote yourself.”
Kathy Waller, Chief Financial Officer of Coca-Cola
    Changing the way you behave can be difficult as you advance. Give yourself permission to show up as a leader with power and presence.
    When you get a promotion

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