The Clan
the founders of a powerful movement, that could bring enough fame, fortune and wealth to last me two eternities, if necessary."
    I stared at Cryl in surprise. The Fallen One gave him a look of approval, nodded and slapped Cryl's shoulder, accepting his request. With another gong, a new explosion of diamond dust erupted. The kid's eyes widened as he moved his lips, scanning the messages visible only to him. I'd love to know what the god had given him.
    Unexpectedly to us, Taali stepped forward, too. "O Fallen One, is it true that dark priestesses have a number of, er, very special skills?" she blushed even though she'd managed to avoid putting her request bluntly.
    The Fallen One grinned again. "It is, Paladin Maiden, it is true indeed."
    Taali raised a proud head, "Accept my vows too, then!"
    The god shook his head in surprise and glanced at me with what I thought was a hint of envy. "No vows needed. Your ambition is well enough. Accept my gift, then..."
    The gong struck again. Taali's eyes started twitching, reading the lines of text in her interface —her nostrils flaring, a winning smile blossoming on her lips. Finally, she lowered her head in a bow. "Thank you..."
    Th e tired god lowered his eyelids. "Time for me to go. I've done too much and revealed myself much more than I should have. Max? You've got to be on your way, remember?"
    I nodded. "Sure. I need to kit myself out first and then I'll be off."
    The Fallen One nodded and turned to go when his stare happened on Lena. The girl and her mother stood nearby, studying the god with interest, not daring to approach. The Fallen One lingered a few seconds; then, coming to a decision, he bit his lip and snapped his fingers. A plain gray bracelet appeared in his hand. I noticed him whisk away a crimson streak that ran from one end of his mouth to his chin. Oh. I just hoped our god wouldn't overexert himself handing out his gifts.
    Curiosity forced me to select the bracelet as target and check out its stats.
    Platinum Bracelet of the Dark Priestess. A Divine Artifact.
    Item type: Independent, indestructible
    Soul bound. Cannot be removed even after the player's death.
    Item class: Unique
    Permanent effect: The Mark of the Fallen One. Your relationship with all Dark races has changed to neutral.
    Effect: Journey Home. Teleport to any Dark temple of your choice.
    Cast time: 0
    Mana: 0
    Cooldown: 24 hrs.
    My inner greedy pig shook, his eye twitching. How I understood him. This kind of thing could save your backside in dozens of situations. Not forgetting that all of the Fallen One's actions had at least one hidden agenda. By wearing the priestess' bracelet, the girl would get used to her new status. And by teleporting 'home' to a Dark temple after she'd extricated herself from various dangers, she will reinforce the association: I am the priestess, the temple is my home, my safety. This Fallen One was anything but simple.
    He handed his gift to Lena. Having exchanged a few words with her mother, he tousled the girl's hair and waved his goodbye to us all. With a pop, the god disappeared, still enveloped by his dome. The summer forest sounds assaulted us with a renewed force, the sun growing hot and strong. Time to get back home and hide under our castle roof. A bite to eat wouldn't go amiss, either.
    Tamara Mikhailovna and Lena walked over to us. The girl looked into my eyes, her stare attentive and vivid, very unlike I'd seen it before—bathed with joy, happiness and interest in everything around her.
    "Max, thank you so much! Mom told me you helped them to find me. I don't know what would have happened to me without your help!"
    My inner greedy pig purred, flattered by her praise. Still, I wasn't the only one deserving of it. "It's nothing, really. You need to thank Cryl over there. He stayed put feeding and guiding you. And Taali was upset about you more than any of us and helped us with everything she could..."
    "Did she? I can't remember anything," the girl looked

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