The Cavalier

The Cavalier by Jason McWhirter

Book: The Cavalier by Jason McWhirter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jason McWhirter
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think?” asked Jonas after he completed his story.
    “I don’t know. It all seems so unbelievable, but here you are able to move your body as it should, with an incredible mark on your chest that just happens to be the symbol of Shyann, our goddess. I don’t know why it happened, but I think you’ve been God Marked,” Fil replied as he added another log to the fire.
    “You mean like how Airos the cavalier was?” Jonas asked.
    “I think so.”
    “But why me? Why did she mark me?” Jonas asked in wonder.
    “I don’t know, but I imagine you will find out. I think that maybe we need to take you to a priest and try to get some answers.”
    “I don’t even know where the nearest temple is located. I’ve never even been more than a few hours walk from Manson,” Jonas replied with apprehension. He absently rubbed his hands together, smiling at the simple movement that just last night he could not do.
    “I know there is a temple in Finarth. Besides, that is where I want to go when the snows subside anyway. We will travel together. What do you think?” Fil asked.
    “Why do you want to go to Finarth? The trip would take us over a month on foot.”
    “I have nothing left here. I’m going to Finarth to join the king’s army. I want to learn to fight. I want a chance to seek revenge on whoever did this to my home. You must understand that,” Fil said.
    Jonas looked up at Fil and their eyes locked. I too have nothing left thought Jonas, flexing his arms in amazement. Learning to fight, to protect the weak, to ride a horse and wield a sword, all things that he believed he would never be able to do. Now it was a possibility, because Shyann had given him a chance. Airos was right. The gods have a plan for everyone, even me , thought Jonas.
    Jonas looked up at Fil seriously. “I will go with you, Fil. I will search out a priest and I will learn to fight with you.” He reached out and grasped Fil’s hand in the warrior’s hand shake that he had seen the men of Manson do many times. He grasped Fil’s forearm tightly while Fil in turn grabbed his.
    Fil squeezed his arm firmly and smiled. “After the winter snows, we leave for Finarth.” His smile grew wider now that they had a plan.
    The first part of winter went by quickly for Jonas. He had never felt more alive in his life, but his body was very weak and he still had limited movement. He did not have the muscle strength for running, climbing, or anything too strenuous. The first thing he had to do was train his body to listen to his mental commands, something it was not used to doing. Most of his days were spent hiking in the snow, walking the animal trails, and even running where he could as his endurance grew. His goal was to strengthen his muscles so that they could support him normally and after several weeks he began to feel different, stronger with quicker reflexes.  
    After a month or so he was able to do basic tasks without getting sore or stumbling. His body was fully healing. He began to push himself by climbing the cliff walls to strengthen his arms, fingers, and legs. Fil taught him how to shoot a bow and hunt, while Jonas taught Fil how to set the best rabbit snares and find wild vegetables and edible plants and herbs, although there was not much of the latter during the winter months. When the snows fell heavily, Fil showed Jonas how to make snow shoes from branches and rope and Jonas used the shoes to continue his long walks through the deep snow.
    Jonas hated being cooped up in the cave. Since he was cured he never wanted to be idle again, the idea of not using his new muscles was unthinkable to him. He continued exercising daily as he took in the magnificent scenery the mountains had to offer.   As his strength and endurance improved, his skinny frame began to fill out with muscle. Fil accompanied him often, but he did not fully share his desire to walk, run, or climb for no reason.
    Jonas took his first deer on a cold snowy morning.

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