The Bundy Murders: A Comprehensive History

The Bundy Murders: A Comprehensive History by Kevin M. Sullivan

Book: The Bundy Murders: A Comprehensive History by Kevin M. Sullivan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kevin M. Sullivan
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succinctly and [said] approximately: `You might say that he left my mother and me and never rejoined the family.' "7
    That his face became contorted speaks of a significant rage residing within. His inability to hide such an emotion was no doubt troubling to him, but the interviewer, quite accidentally, had pressed the right button, and there was just no way for him to hold it all inside any longer. The "monster" had been revealed, and like a genie escaping from a bottle, it was all Bundy could do to quickly rein him in.
    Bundy's years in the public school system of Tacoma appear, for the most part, uneventful. It has been alleged by some that during his years at Hunt Junior High, he would sometimes masturbate in the broom closet within his classroom. When some of the other boys got wind of this, they apparently waited to catch him in the act, and did so on several occasions. The penalty for Bundy was having cups of cold water tossed on him after the door was thrown open, followed by unrelenting teasing. When asked about this, Bundy denied such a thing ever happened. He did, however, refer to his fourth grade teacher as a "voluptuous disciplinarian."' Apparently, sex was on his mind even at this tender age.
    It was also in the fourth grade that Bundy attempted to enter the "inner circle" through reading participation, "but his ability level was not such to place him there." This too brought a degree of humiliation to an already troubled young boy.'
    By the time Bundy entered Wilson High School he was considered to be the quintessential loner. He still had the close friendships of Terry Storwick and Warren Dodge (Bundy and Warren were born on the same day; Warren twenty minutes earlier), but making new friends would only become more difficult for Bundy, who was feeling increasingly out of place in society. The turmoil swirling within him would only multiply during these formative years, and instead of being able to adapt to and grow through all the changes encountered in adolescence, he would later speak of feeling left behind. At some point, his emotional growth simply stopped. It would have been better for him and society at large - especially the female segment of society - if he'd sought professional help; but we're speaking of a sociopath in the making, and that's not what sociopaths do, as a rule. Later, he would convey to others just how lost he felt during this period in his life."

    When it came to women, they always found him attractive, even in high school. But it was well known that he didn't date (some have estimated he had but one date during these years), leaving some hopeful female observers to wonder whether he had a girlfriend outside of Wilson High. Indeed, this appeal to females would only grow as he entered adulthood. Once Bundy opened his mouth and began to speak, he only increased his chances with the opposite sex because he was both articulate and charming. In fact, Ted Bundy was generally likeable. Yet Bundy could never see himself this way. The fracture in his personality would never allow him to see himself as good-looking, or charming, or desired by women. Such things just couldn't be. They could be true about others, he reasoned, but never about him.
    The festering continued.
    Other incidents would chip away at his confidence. While in junior high, he ran for student body vice president and lost. He apparently assisted others in high school in their bids for elective office, but did not attempt another run himself. With an athletic build and a background and love for skiing during the wintertime, Bundy naturally sought relief in sports. He was apparently very good at track, taking third once in the hurdles, and played football for a time as well. He failed, however, to make the basketball team, as he was considered "too small.""
    During his high school years he was, like most other boys, periodically employed in the usual endeavors for kids their age. At one point, he had a paper route, delivering

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