The Boston Debutante (The Debutante Series Book 1)

The Boston Debutante (The Debutante Series Book 1) by William Roach Page A

Book: The Boston Debutante (The Debutante Series Book 1) by William Roach Read Free Book Online
Authors: William Roach
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her were not about love but money.
    Her parents had left her enough money for her and the person she married the rest of their life so she didn’t have to marry into money to live good. She could spend the rest of her life and never put a dent in the wealth they had left her.
    There was one thing about Turk. If he fell in love with her it wouldn’t be for money.
    She was sure Aunt Maude would leave him plenty. She hadn’t lived frugally on that ranch all her life for nothing.
    They started back to the line shack. The girls lagged behind talking the whole way.
    “Macy you have to tell me more about the kiss.”
    “Oh there isn’t much to tell. He was going to help me up on a rock so I could spot cows for him. Except instead of helping me up he pulled me tight against him and told me he was going to pay me back for hitting him in the head yesterday. I thought he was fixing to kill me so I closed my eyes tight so I wouldn’t see the punch coming.
    He pinned me against the rock and then kissed me. I tried to fight him off but you know how strong that bull is. I couldn’t move so I ended up letting him kiss me until he got enough. It didn’t seem like he was going to get enough. He would stop, look in my eyes and start again. He felt so good leaning against me I didn’t want him to stop.
    Then he actually started apologizing to me. I have never had someone kiss me before like that and then apologize to me. I got weak in the knees. If he hadn’t been holding me so tight I would have fell on the ground.
    Megan I felt all funny inside. What does that mean?”
    “That means he kissed you right. You are in love with him.”
    “No I’m not Megan. I can’t be. I am engaged.”
    “You might be engaged but you are in love with Turk. Mom is going to have a fit when I tell her.”
    “Megan don’t you dare tell her that. I am not in love with Turk.”
    “Macy you can deny it all you want but those feelings are what you feel when you are in love. After he kissed you didn’t you want him to do it again?”
    “Well yes I guess I did.”
    “See Macy, you love a man when you want him to kiss you.”
    The heavy rain had washed most of the mud off Macy and she didn’t feel as grimy.
    When they made it to the line shack it was gone. 
    All that was left was splinters of wood from the floor. 
    The tree that Megan and Macy had sat under was twisted and broken off about ten feet off the ground.
    Turk looked at what was left and said, “Gang It looks like we might as well head back to the ranch. They turned due east and started riding again.
    Macy was getting tired and her thighs were sore. It felt like blisters were starting to form from the constant rubbing of the wet jeans and the saddle.
    Megan told her, “Macy put your right leg over the saddle and hang it over the horn.” 
    She did as Megan told her and it felt better.
    About midnight Turk rode up beside her.
    “Macy, are you doing Ok?”
    “No my back hurts and the inside of my legs are raw and hurting.”
    Turk said, “Hold up guys I have to do a little doctoring. Megan you come too.”
    He led Macy’s horse deep into a thicket.
    Once he was out of sight of the guys he got off his horse and helped Macy get off hers. 
    When she was standing he said, “Macy pull your pants down.”
    She looked at him and replied, “I am not going to pull my pants down in front of you. I am not that kind of girl.”
    She looked over at Megan who was grinning.
    He laid a blanket on the g round. Macy looked at it and then looked at him.
    He had a determined look on his face.
    “Macy you pull those pants off right now or I am going to do it.”
    “Oh my God, Please don’t. Turk you are going to rape me aren’t you? If you do you are going to be disappointed. If you touch me I will scream.”
    Megan started grinning again. Turk grinned. 
    “Are you out of your little goody two shoes mind? You think I would have ask Megan to come with us if I was going to rape you and I know I

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