The Book Waitress (Book 1, The Book Waitress Series)

The Book Waitress (Book 1, The Book Waitress Series) by Deena Remiel

Book: The Book Waitress (Book 1, The Book Waitress Series) by Deena Remiel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deena Remiel
store. She’s been a rock, and the source of strength in the family. His father’s been a complete mess, understandably. Just saw him the other day, in fact. He told me he’s taken a leave of absence from his job. Just can’t handle it right now.”
    He was right about the parents . When he interviewed the two of them, she seemed stoic, detached. His father had been a complete mess. Could she have been involved in his disappearance? He decided to push him and see his reaction.
    “Your step brother left a huge responsibility on your shoulders when he was indicted. Has your membership grown since then?”
    A slight twitch of his left cheek gave him the answer he’d been looking for. “As I told you before, The Mission no longer exists, nor has it existed for quite some time.”
    Feeling bold, he pushed some more. “You know, Zachary is the perfect age for one of your ritual ceremonies. You know the one I’m t alking about. Every six years a six-year-old male with the Mark of the Damned is taken and sacrificed.”
    “Seems you don’t really need me at all for this interview, now do you, Mr. Galloway? Y ou already have all the answers. I find you tiresome at this point and annoying like a mosquito. I hate mosquitoes. B art, here, will see to the rest of this meeting . Good day.”
    A giant of a man, as wide as he was tall, entered the room and stalked over to Derek as Langdon walked out. Derek was by no means a slouch in the height department, and had a fit body due to his love of swimming. But even he had to crane his neck to look at him. Without so much as a hint, Bart punched him in the gut and cl ocked him on the jaw. He’d taken punches before, but never by a cement block.
    Winded and dazed near unconscious, he could do nothing but be at his mercy. He found himself hoisted in the air and bent over the guy’s shoulder. He could feel them descending down steps and found the energy to fight back. He kneed Bart in the solar plexus, but it made no impact whatsoever. He did not like his chances of coming out of this situation unscathed and wished he’d notified someone of his plans.
    Camille heard a ruckus outside her door. Scuffling, grunts and groans, and shouts of dissent wafted through her door. The protesting, raspy voice sounded so familiar. She only knew one man on the island. What were the chances it would be him? Slim to none in her opinion. The grating sound of rusty hinges opening and closing sent a ripple of unpleasant tingles throughout her body and she gritted her teeth.
    “Hey! You can’t keep me in here! You hear me? People will be looking for me. Hey! Let me outta here!”
    After hearing a litany of colorful curses and a string of detailed descriptions of what this guy would do to the other if he wasn’t set free, all became quiet. And then the banging began. She guessed he was trying to break the door down. After about five grunts and thumps, all became quiet again.
    Stepping up to her door, she called out. “Hello? Hello, who’s over there? What’s your name?”
    “ Holy hell, Camille! Is that you? It’s me, Derek.”
    “Oh, my God! Derek, y es, it’s me. I’m locked in a cell. I don’t know what’s going on. One minute I’m having lunch with Victor Langdon and the next I’m locked away in here . Do you know where we are? God , I’m so scared.”
    “ Camille, listen to me. Langdon is behind all this. We’re in his basement or dungeon, whichever you prefer to call it. He’s the Mission’s leader. The cult is still active. I believe Nancy, Susan, and the entire Library Board are key members.”
    “ Oh, my God. But why am I here? Why are you here? What the hell do they want from us?” She pounded her frustration and fear into the metal door with her fists.
    “ Camille, sweetheart, I came to your house to see if you were okay. You didn’t answer your door when I knocked, and a kid across the street told me you’d been picked up. I put two and two together and got Victor.

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