The Black Key

The Black Key by Amy Ewing

Book: The Black Key by Amy Ewing Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Ewing
    I’m barely able to contain my relief as I hurry to the door.
    â€œOh, Violet?” Cora’s voice stops me and I turn.
    â€œYes, ma’am?” It’s only when I see a cruel smile twisting on her lips that I realize what I’ve done. My hand claps over my mouth as if that will help, as if I can change my own body’s reactions.
    â€œI knew it was you,” she says, standing in one fluidmovement, “when you talked about Garnet. Your voice changed. Like you knew him. Because you did, didn’t you?”
    I can’t move. Where would I go? Cora runs this house. She knows every inch of it. There is nowhere to hide and massive walls surround me on every side. Sure, I could call on Earth or Air, but that would give everything away and I’d still be stranded in the Jewel. I won’t do that to all the Society members who are counting on the Paladin, who are waiting for Auction Day, for their chance at freedom.
    I think of Hazel. I didn’t even get to see my sister one last time. This whole plan has collapsed before it had a chance to begin.
    Cora saunters over to me with all the confidence of someone who knows she has her prey trapped. When she is close enough, she grabs my face in her hand, much like the Duchess did the night she killed Annabelle.
    â€œHow did you do it?” she asks, turning my cheek to the side. “Your eyes, your hair, your face . . . was it the Auguries?”
    I nod.
    â€œIt’s very well done,” she murmurs. “How did you get back here? Or have you been hiding in the Jewel this whole time?” My eyes widen and she laughs. “You think I don’t know the Duchess is keeping your sister locked up in your place?”
    â€œPlease.” The word is garbled through her grip.
    â€œPlease what? You came back here to save her, I assume.”
    I don’t respond. Her fingers dig into my skin.
    â€œI can help. I can help you save your sister.”
    That is not what I was expecting. Cora laughs at my expression. “For a price, of course.”
    â€œI’ll do anything.” The words sound fuzzy.
    â€œI’m sorry? I didn’t quite catch that.” She releases her hold a fraction.
    â€œI’ll do anything,” I mumble.
    â€œI was hoping you would say that.”
    She lets me go and moves to sit on the couch. “Come here,” she says, patting the spot beside her. I sit in a daze.
    â€œI will not reveal your presence in this palace. I may even be able to help you get to your sister. But you must do one thing for me first.”
    I wait. She knows I have no other response to that than yes.
    Cora’s smile is terrifying. “I want you to kill the Duchess.”
    â€œWhat?” I gasp. “But . . . but . . . why?”
    Her face goes very still. “Do you really need to ask? She murdered my daughter.”
    It takes me a second to wrap my head around this. “Annabelle? I never saw you treat her like anything but a servant.”
    â€œJust because I couldn’t act like her mother doesn’t mean I didn’t love her,” Cora snaps. She turns away, her gaze falling on a small portrait in an oval frame on the mantelpiece. “I remember the day the Duchess came to me and told me I had been authorized to have a child. I was so happy.”
    The word authorized makes my skin crawl.
    â€œAnd when she came out she was so tiny and so . . . silent. At first I was terrified she was a stillbirth, but Dr. Blythe assured me she was perfectly healthy. She just . . . she would never speak a word.” Cora brushes at something on her cheek. “I always wondered what her voice might soundlike.” She stands and walks to the mantel, picking up the picture. “Another House might have had her drowned for being defective. The Duchess cared for me, though. She let me keep her, let me train her. As long as she proved useful.”
    â€œShe was more than

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