The Biker's Protection - Book 3 (Motorcycle Club Romance) (Ghosts of the Prairie Motorcycle Club)

The Biker's Protection - Book 3 (Motorcycle Club Romance) (Ghosts of the Prairie Motorcycle Club) by Regina Fox

Book: The Biker's Protection - Book 3 (Motorcycle Club Romance) (Ghosts of the Prairie Motorcycle Club) by Regina Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Regina Fox
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likely have a remote.”
    He started giving the console of electronics a closer look.
    “I would have to sit-down and look at all this stuff,” he said. “But I could figure it out.”
    “And if it’s been going this whole time, we probably have an image of the perp,” said Trenton. “Or perps. But I think we should call the sheriff. If there is evidence there, we don’t want to tamper with it. And the other piece to this is, if the arsonist who set fire to her place set the other fires, surveillance video would be great for law enforcement.
    Savannah was stunned that her dad could have been recording everything and she had no clue. She had no clue about a lot of things. It seemed like she was learning all the time.
    “Yep. Well what do you know?” asked Danny with a big wide smile. “Wouldn’t that be something?”
    Danny’s beautiful wife, Penny, sat next to him with as wondrous expression as Savannah was sure she had. It was clear to Savannah that Penny and Danny were so in love with each other. It was a reassuring thing. That the guys in the club had that value. Of devotion.  
    “Let’s get the movie started,” said Danny. “Can we figure that one out, Pike?”
    Pike already had the big screen remote in hand and with a few button pushes had the movie queued up. The room gave a collective laugh when they realized Danny’s choice was the classic hippie motorcycle cult movie. 
    “Have not seen this in forever,” said Trenton remarked with delight. 
    Savannah just could not get into the movie even though it was one she had always wanted to see. Especially since all her new friends were bikers, she felt like she had a kind of obligation. But she was not even interested. She was missing Foley. He was due in just a little bit. 
    Her mind was filled with him and the potential discovery of her dad’s surveillance system. Even though it would be too much to hope for to catch on tape whoever had been harassing Savannah, she was excited to tell Foley. She decided to save the news for when he arrived in person. But he was later and later. That fact was too much of a distraction. She was uncomfortable.
    At one point, the movie was loud with the sounds of motorcycle engines revving. The Ghosts soon caught on that the noise wasn’t the movie but coming from outside. Savannah realized after the fact. The Ghosts were on their feet and to the doors and windows of the house.
    “Shit!” Danny said. “We got fucking trouble.”
    Chapter 14
    Motorcycles continued revving outside.
    “Riggers,” Bull said, looking out the window.
    Danny, Pike, Bull and John split up. Two out the front and two out the back. Before Savannah could defy Danny's orders to stay inside, the noise stopped. She ran out of the house to witness what was happening between the two biker clubs. The Ghosts of the Prairie were pounding on the Riggers. The Ghosts pin the invading bikers down while Danny snapped their photo. He worked his phone like he was texting.
    "Thanks, boys. I just sent damn pictures to the Devil’s Lake sheriff. You know Sheriff Doug. Also sending these to your captain. You better not be fucking posers because we're having a meeting tomorrow with him. If he is your captain. If you aren’t Riggers, your ass is grass. Let ‘em go boys."
    Even when he was laying down the law, Danny White Feather had such an ease about him. Always a levity about him. It was an almost spiritual character that Savannah had not ever encountered before. One of the Riggers came up fighting, but John managed to put his boot on the biker's shoulders and keep him down.
    The Ghosts were such cool men. Able to take care of their own without being ugly. Powerful. Cunning, but nothing like the bullies who disturbed everyone’s peace for the sake of striking fear. But now a Ghost of the Prairie was putting the Rigger in his place.
    "Better behave," growled John. "Or we are going to let Sheriff Doug deal with you."
    Even Danny remarked

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