The Biker's Protection - Book 3 (Motorcycle Club Romance) (Ghosts of the Prairie Motorcycle Club)

The Biker's Protection - Book 3 (Motorcycle Club Romance) (Ghosts of the Prairie Motorcycle Club) by Regina Fox Page A

Book: The Biker's Protection - Book 3 (Motorcycle Club Romance) (Ghosts of the Prairie Motorcycle Club) by Regina Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Regina Fox
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that Foley was later than he said he would be. Savannah noted the worry in his voice or  something . Whatever it was, she knew Danny wasn’t comfortable with Foley’s tardiness. The evening had come to a hard end. Danny didn't want to leave her until Foley got there. He texted Foley but got no response. 
    “You know what? I’ll stay,” said Trenton.
    “Thanks, man,” said Danny. “Big day tomorrow. Or should I say, tomorrow evening. Sit-down at Outlaws. I’m going to show my pictures to the captain. I’m going to figure out what’s going on.”
    Savannah was fine with Trenton staying behind. He was huge man. Though worried now that Foley did not show, she was so tired that she could sleep with Trenton present. 
    The house was super quiet with all the bikers gone. Trenton and Savannah were making up the couch for him to sleep on. A lone motorcycle engine cut the air. They both knew it was Foley, but joked that it was another Rigger who had been late for the game. 
    “Aw did someone get lost?” teased Trenton.
    Savannah was worried. These were definitely unusual circumstances she was in with the harassment and vandalism. And him too with the arson fires. Those would be resolved. But Savannah wondered did she want to go any further with this guy if he had so many other obligations? No-shows were not a cool thing. She didn’t want to spend any time, let alone half her time being annoyed with him. Her feelings for him flipped from adoration to fury. She wondered if it was worth it. 
    But then Foley walked through the door. She didn’t have any doubt. Of course, it was worth it. He was worth it. He was so magnificent in his leather jacket and his swept hair. His skin was warm and cold to the touch. It was chilly outside, but he had been riding, so he was pumped. He had a strangely pained expression on his face. The look tugged at her heart strings.
    “What?” she asked sympathetically. “Was there another fire?”
    “No,” he said mournfully.
    She laid the palm of her hand gently on the side of his perfect face. She could get addicted to looking at him. He was so handsome. But she recognized the look. It was not because he had had a hard shift at work. He felt guilty about something. Savannah stepped back.
    “Shit. I’m sorry I was late,” he began.
    But he didn’t have to say anymore. Susan. Somehow Susan called him and he got delayed. Savannah made an agreement with herself to sort out her feelings first before she went off half-cocked on him. 
    “There’s dinner in the fridge,” she said neutrally. “The guys went all out.”
    “Did they?” he asked, his tone became flirtatious.
    But Savannah didn’t want to flirt back believing that he had just come from his ex-wife’s. If he wanted something with her, he was going to have to cut the cord from Susan. She nudged him away.
    “I’m so tired,” she said.
    He studied her. 
    “Are you?” he asked rhetorically. “Hey, Trenton you staying?”
    “Thought I might,” Trenton replied with his eyes closed.
    Just as she thought that Trenton was about to sleep, Savannah could hear the two men talking. She could hear Trenton proceed to fill Foley in on the excitement. She hadn’t wanted to just blurt out the fact that bikers terrorized them basically. She was going to tell him in the morning after he had some rest. Getting him upset before bed might mean a restless night. She thought that with all the hours he had been putting in at the firehouse on top of going on long motorcycle rides with her, Foley really needed deep, uninterrupted sleep. 
    “What the fuck?  I’m about to go hunt somebody down,” Foley threatened. “If they ever fucking step foot on this property again, I’m going to fucking kill them all!”
    “Tomorrow,” murmured Trenton, drifting off to sleep.
    “Right,” he said. “The sit-down.”
    Chapter 15
    Foley followed Savannah back to her room, but she pressed her hand on his rock hard chest to

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