The Beauty of the Mist
herself. “What I mean is, she is in no pain while she is sleeping. But when she is awake, I believe she is in great discomfort.”
    “Aye. Well, that’s understandable, I suppose, considering what she has been through.”
    Maria nodded vaguely. Isabel’s words were ringing in her ears. She was to say that Isabel was in considerable pain and that she did not seem to be improving. She was to ask if there was any way the Scots could land the two woman on the nearest coast. As in, for example, Denmark.
    However, if that request was not received well, then Maria was to lie and say that Denmark had, after all, been their original destination. Considering Isabel’s poor health, they would be deeply indebted to the ship’s commander. That Sir John would be richly rewarded–with their undying gratitude and with ample financial remuneration. Maria knew very well the words she was to say.
    But the Highlander before him had a way of...well, distracting her. One unguarded look at the warrior, and Maria was finding her thoughts a jumble, her words forgotten.
    Well, if she was going to relay her message, she knew she’d better do it quickly, before she lost the chance.
    “I...I came here this morning, Sir John, to express our great appreciation...that is, Isabel’s and mine... in doing all you’ve done for us.”
    Maria looked up in alarm. Had she said too much already?
    The Highlander shrugged. “Now, at least, I know your companion’s name. And her relation? To you, I mean.”
    Maria waited an instant and weighed the danger of revealing the truth. But there was none, as far as she could see. Something told her it would be best to stay as near to the truth as she could. She had very little experience with lying, but it seemed that the less one invented, the easier it would be to make hold to it later.
    “My aunt. Lady Isabel is my aunt.”
    “And were you and Isabel traveling alone? Or were there other family members traveling with you when your ship came under the attack?”
    “Alone?” she repeated. He was doing it again–controlling the conversation– and Maria could not allow him to continue. She tried to keep her thoughts focused, but in all her life, she’d never felt as unworldly as she did now. “There were no other family members with us.”
    John started to voice another question but stopped abruptly as Maria quickly raised a hand to him. He looked questioningly into her serious face.
    “I’ll try to explain as much as I can,” she said quietly. “But please ask me no more questions now.”
    “Very well, lass,” the Highlander responded, hardly surprised at the young woman’s obvious distress. She had no reason to trust him. Her face was turned, and John studied her profile intently. Her eyes were darting nervously about, and he could see her pulse fluttering rapidly beneath the creamy skin of her slender neck.
    He’d never provoked this kind of reaction in any woman above the age of sixteen. She seemed afraid of him, and he didn’t like it a bit. He wondered if perhaps he’d been too rough with the woman. Perhaps he was pressing her too hard for information. He needed to choose a new tack.
    “But I am afraid if I don’t,” he continued with a smile, “Then we’ll sit here in total silence until you–finding naught more interesting in my hands–will realize you’ve got no reason to stay, and take your leave.”
    Maria stared at the friendly face. “And what is wrong with that? With me leaving?”
    “Quite a bit, I’d say!” John said matter of factly. “For one thing, I’d be deprived of your pleasant company. But more importantly, I’ve your safety to consider.”
    “My safety?” she cried.
    “Aye. Lady Caroline might be standing around the just corner, you know. Waiting for your departure.”
    Maria looked uncertainly at him. “You aren’t saying I need protection against her.”
    “Nay, lass.” John leaned his face close to hers, his voice confiding in its

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