The Bear: A Novel

The Bear: A Novel by Claire Cameron

Book: The Bear: A Novel by Claire Cameron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Cameron
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It’s like he thinks I am his momma and do poo and lunches now and I don’t like it no thanks. I don’t help him. I wrinkle my nose and lift Gwen for a sniff.
    “Hi, Glen,” he says.
    That is nice and I sniff her. Gwen feels like we share with her. My momma says it can be hard with only three people but Stick and Gwen and I are used to each other. I stick Gwen out to kiss Stick on the cheek because she is quite kissy and that’s what she wants to do. Stick’s tears have stopped and he even smiles and I see the two dimples that are like when a stick goes in the marshmallow and a hole is left in it.
    “Sanks, Glen,” says Stick to Gwen.
    “Are you okay?” I ask.
    Stick stands up on his fat legs and shows me his pooey bum. Yuck.
    “Bitchy,” he says.
    He is itchy. He means I have to watch him more. Things like diapers mean you are a babysitter but I am not. I take a breath out my nose and it makes me sound like Momma when I do that. I do it again because when the air is coming out my nose I can’t smell the poo and that is better. I do it again and again but then my head feels like the balloon would pop so I stop. It floats back into my nose and smells like the time Daddy forgot and left the diaper in the car and we drove around with the poo by accident. Gwen says she will help me and I think I will help Stick because we are three.
    I put Gwen and Stick’s pj top in one hand and take Stick’s hand like a babysitter even though I am not. We step carefully up the hill with grass to get away from his poo. We have to climb up and that is okay because sometimes Stick sits in the dirt and that will be a bit less for me to fix. We get to the top and I look and I see there is a forest here and a slide down to more grass. I tell Stick to lie down like when he gets diapers at night and I don’t have wipes or a washcloth like Momma. There is a green leaf and a few more on a plant and I take it and wipe and it smells like it tastes like a sour candy that makes my two sides of my cheeks get pulled into my mouth. There isn’t that much, so it is actually pretty easy and Gwen and I are good moms. Stick stands up and I make him put his pj top on. He wants the pants but I don’t know about those. He stamps his leg but that doesn’t make the pants come back. His little dingle just wiggles.
    “Juice,” says Stick.
    Me too. And Gwen. We are still always thirsty. I stand up and look down and see if we walk along the side of the trees they open up to a grassy spot and there is a little water trickling down. I say pretend it is juice and apple or orange and take Stick’s and Gwen’s hands and we walk over and there is a little pool of water like chocolate milk. I kneel down and put my lips in it and suck in like a straw except I don’t have one. I get mud in my teeth and I sit up and chew and it crunches. Stick laughs and he wants chocolate milk and puts his head down to the pool and I think about how a bad girl would smoosh his head in the water and I don’t because I am the one watching. He lifts up his face again and says he can’t get any into his mouth.
    I tell Stick it’s like a straw and he has to suck in and we both make sucking noises for a minute and it is funny and then he tries to drink again and I put my knees down and this time I know it is wet ground and a little like a sponge which is funny because Stick is on the sponge except in no pj bottoms so only me is getting wet at the knees. But not that wet and Gwen is dry because I hold her up. Stick isn’t getting water through his no straw so he starts licking the water like Snoopy. That is funny too and I laugh and he laughs and then he can’t lick and laugh so he tries to smoosh his cheeks back down so he can drink. He tips forward a little and gets his face wet and might cry but I say it is funny so he laughs.
    “Juice,” he says again.
    I put Gwen between my legs to hold and I scoop my hand in the chocolate milk water so I am holding it. Stick puts his

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