The Bear: A Novel

The Bear: A Novel by Claire Cameron Page B

Book: The Bear: A Novel by Claire Cameron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Cameron
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noises. It just stands and looks at us and chews.
    “Moose,” says Stick.
    The horse blinks and chews some more.
    “It’s a horsie.”
    I feel fed up having to talk to babies. “A moose has big antlers on its head like a coatrack.”
    I think of our book of animals and we read it with Daddy and there are girl mooses and they maybe look like that with no antlers but Stick is too much of a baby to be right. “Horse.”
    “Moose,” he whispers and I should give him a smack but I don’t care. I just don’t want to only play with him and it would be good if Jessica was here. But we keep watching the horse and it eats some grass and then turns and walks off the other way and we can’t see it anymore. I feel like when we went to the zoo except no McDonald’s. I am so hungry.

    Also there is more windy and I feel a little colder on my legs. It is going to be nighttime and we need to get to our safe place. I pull on Stick’s arm so he will stand up and come because I think no more water on my legs it’s too cold so we walk over to the trees part. It is darker because the trees are spread out like a roof all over the top. Our safe place can be at the cottage because we have two beds. Or Toronto and we need to find it. We walk in there for a little bit and the feet don’t hurt until a pine needle decides to prick them ouch. Mostly they don’t prick only a few mean ones. Stick gets them too because he says “Owey” and stops and makes me look at his foot.
    “Gotta splinter.”
    He is scared of splinters because he got one and Momma and I had to go to the summer friends’ house to have them help us hold him down so Momma could take it out with pointers. Stick said “No, don’t touch” but Momma said yes because the splinter could get sick and die in his foot and then the dead body would make him sick. Finally she got it out with the pointers and showed us in a lamp and I looked and it was a small piece of the dock. So the splinter body was on the dock at first and so watch out when you walk there. Maybe wear shoes so no bodies go in your feet. And so Stick thinks there are bodies around the needles and I try to look at his foot and he holds it up but he falls. He almost cries but I tell him he is okay and I don’t know but no blood. Because I am the big sister and I say he is okay he is okay and doesn’t cry. When he is sitting on the ground I can look at where he got the splinter before. But he won’t keep his foot still and pulls it back and he doesn’t want me to look or pull his feet away all the time. I say to him to stay still but he is making the sad noise of his inside dog. I feel bad. I put the inside dog there. I made it stay.
    “Do you want Gwen?” I ask.
    He nods. It is very Stick to talk with his head instead of his mouth.
    “Here,” I say and hand him Gwen.
    “Glen.” He cuddles her and I think maybe it was a mistake because he will get used to her and love her so much that he thinks he loves her more than me. So I grab his foot to keep him from going away.
    Stick is scared when I grab his foot because it makes him think splinter.
    “Hug Gwen and sniff and don’t look,” I tell him.
    He cuddles her to his face and closes his eyes. “Okey.”
    I take his foot and I look at the same spot and see that there is no splinter so it is okay and no blood or body at all.
    “You’re fine, Stick. Don’t worry,” I say.
    He nods and sniffs Gwen again. “Glen.”
    “You are brave,” I say because that’s what Momma would say.
    He does another sniff.
    “Can I have her back now?” I stick out my hand.
    He sticks out a fat arm and gives her. I feel really glad and sniff and she stinks a little like Stick but not too bad.
    “Good dog,” I say to him. “Good, good dog.”
    “Woof!” He keeps his bum on the ground but puts his arms up in the air and shuffles his feet around in the needles. His face looks pleased and I think he knows that he is older and growing up

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