The Autumn Diaries

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Book: The Autumn Diaries by Lexi Maxxwell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lexi Maxxwell
Tags: Erótica
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    Which means that I can put this really great call to action at the end of each story: “Did you like this story? Get 50 more like it for only 20 cents each!”  
    Sort of irresistible for someone who likes reading my stuff.  
    I feel that this may be a breakthrough move for me in this business, because if the sell, well that really elevates my game. The single stories only get me a 35 cent commission, so although they sell, they’re a drop in the bucket.  
    What if I could reliably sell ten of these a day? It’ll happen in time. When it does, maybe I’ll celebrate by bringing a few extra girls to bed for Sam.  

S E P T E M B E R 1

    I WANT TO WRITE A real book. The writers on the podcast write full books, and I’ve mostly written these little short stories, which I think of as “single-serving fantasies.” I do love them, and they’re fun to write, and they’re kind of a release for me because I finally get to tell my own tales. But they’re limited because there’s only so much story that can happen in a few thousand words, especially considering they all end up in sex.  
    And yeah, I know that’s the point for an erotica writer… to have stuff end up in sex. But there’s a lot of stuff that happens that has nothing to do with sex in real life, and wouldn’t it be kind of fun to build some of that like other writers… to build some anticipation? Think of one of my faves in 50 Shades of Gre y (not 50 Shades of Lexi Maxxwell) — there’s a ton of story in those books where there’s no sex. Not that I want to start NOT writing sex, of course. But it’d be nice to spread out into the scope of a novel… and still keep that novel hot and wet and gooey and sticky.
    I’ve been working on a full book called Anticipation , appropriately, which will be the first in an alphabet series like Sue Grafton does (the second will be Bound ), but although I love it, Anticipation is fairly domestic and would be a real departure for my readers, who are used to me being so off-the-wall and gonzo. Hell, Anticipation doesn’t even have the word “cunt” in it.  
    So I’ve been trying to think of another book idea too. Everyone likes vampires. Maybe I’ll write a vampire book.  
    Sucking Blood while Sucking Cock
    Bloodsucking Cocksuckers
    Sounds a bit too gonzo.  
    Hmm, I’ll figure it out.  

S E P T E M B E R 3

    BITTEN . THAT’S WHAT I CAN call my vampire novel.  

S E P T E M B E R 7

    THE LATEST EPISODE OF MY favorite writing/publishing podcast couldn’t have come at a better time. These guys really have become my like my mentors, even though they don’t know me other than this crazy chick who constantly emails them.
    In the episode where they talked about erotica a bit at the end, they said they needed to find a good erotica writer to have on the show. I’m determined to be that writer if it means I have to do some serious cocksucking. Too bad all three seem to be happily and faithfully married.
    Anyway, this week’s show was about building and trimming your tribe, which is something I’ve been struggling with.  
    I write such crazy shit that sometimes I wonder if it’s right for everyone in my audience, or if I’m going to offend people or send them away. I have my mailing list, and people do sometimes unsubscribe and leave it. I see those and they always make me wonder if I should have tried to keep that person. It’s like this tiny failure, but a failure nonetheless. Every once in a while, a tiny part of me wonders if I should tone it down because my audience is a lot of normal people who are, in real life, nothing like me.  
    But now I get it. I can and should only be who I really am. Some people are going to like me and some aren’t, and that’s fine. That’s good, actually, because the more people who aren’t right for me that leave, the better I’ll be aligned with the people who stick around. You build a stronger “tribe” by speaking to and writing

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