The Angel's Assassin

The Angel's Assassin by Samantha Holt

Book: The Angel's Assassin by Samantha Holt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Holt
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then she had no choice but to believe it herself. Could it really be her uncle?
She had already heard his character called into question on their journey, but
she could not believe her own blood would want to hurt her. Whoever it was, she
trusted Nicholas would keep her safe. Wrapping her arms about herself, she trod
carefully over the pebbles as he rose to meet her.
    “What shall we do
now?” she asked him.
     “We continue
running.” He looked at her grimly. “For now,” he added as she made to protest.
“Annabel, I will do my best to see you returned home but I will not if it means
your death.”
    She shuddered, the
thought of never returning home scaring her almost more than the thought of
death. Nicholas brushed a reassuring hand over her hair, absently toying with
the strands at her neck.
    “I will look after
you.” He looked at her uneasily. “I am…I am wealthy. I can see that you live
well, Annabel, whatever happens.”
    Confusion caused
her to crease her brow. Was the life of a knight-errant so rewarding? He
certainly didn’t behave like a man of wealth. And what was he offering her? He
had said naught of marriage, so what did he mean when he said he would look
after her? Annabel swiftly realised that all her questioning was futile. Mayhap
she was being naïve but she had little choice, her home had been taken by
rebels and there was a chance her uncle wanted her dead. Besides, it would only
be a matter of time before Nicholas realised what she already had. They were
fated to be together.
    They ate their fish
in silence, huddled around the fire. Nicholas still kept his arms around
Annabel, worried about her getting cold, but mentally he attempted to distance
himself from her. It did not help that she seemed to wear down all of his
defences, eating her way into his heart. She was there already, he could feel
her with every throb, but somehow Annabel was working deeper, unlocking every
emotion that he had yet to experience. The sudden change within drained him. He
felt as if he had spent all his years asleep and he was only just now awakening
to the world. A world that now seemed to revolve around Annabel.
    He was
apprehensive, fearful for her welfare, and he knew he needed to figure out what
they should do next. The fire was so out of character from what he knew of Lord
Benedict. He was a cautious, shrewd man and he had obviously gone to great
lengths to ensure he could get his hands on Alderweald without casting
suspicion on himself. No doubt he had already set about casting Annabel in the
role of villain in this tale and he wondered if the king had been lured into
believing she was aiding the rebel barons. To ensure her long term safety,
Nicholas would have to find some kind of proof of Benedict’s machinations.
    They were still
headed in the direction of Hampshire and he concluded the best way of finding out
what had changed was by visiting Benedict’s manor. It was a risky move, to be
sure, but a necessary one. He could not decide what their next move should be
until he knew what Benedict was planning or he at least had some kind of proof.
With his decision made, he turned his attention back to Annabel who was
patently still recovering from her ordeal.
    “Annabel, you
should rest some more.”
    “Will you rest with
    “Aye.” He intended
to refuse but his mouth and body had other ideas.
    They settled down together,
wrapped in his mantle. Though he lay rigidly, Annabel pulled his arm about her
and her bottom nestled into his thighs. He gritted his teeth in restraint and
attempted to focus on his duty to protect her rather than the feel of her soft
body next to his and how perfectly she fit into his embrace.
    Her breathing
slowed and she fell asleep long before he did. The small sounds she released as
she slept and her fidgety manner now seemed so familiar to him, and almost
comforting. In the end his exhaustion and her warm body sent him into a deep,
satisfying sleep.


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