Tested by the Night

Tested by the Night by Maxine Mansfield

Book: Tested by the Night by Maxine Mansfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maxine Mansfield
Tags: Erotic Romance
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couldn’t believe it. Mia, sweet, gentle, wouldn’t hurt a fly, Princess Mia Hammerstrike had thrown a dagger at Duke Algen Daggertoss. And had not just thrown it but had sliced the bastard’s left ear half off. The duke was holding what remained as blood dripped through his fingers, and the man was sobbing like a baby.
    “Was that barbaric enough for you?” Mia shouted. “Or would you fine gentlemen of the council like further demonstration?”
    She pulled out another dagger from only God Draka knew where, and Talon stood with his mouth agape. All he could think was, he wished to VoT Zander were here to see his little sister. He couldn’t have been more proud of her if she’d cut the lot of them with one throw.
    An older barbarian and the current governor of Bane, the Earl Theodosius Swordwielder stood, the look on his face grave. Talon was surprised the normally very friendly man, who most simply called Theo, appeared as if he were about to chastise Mia for what she’d done.
    The earl cleared his throat. “I don’t believe that’ll be necessary, Princess Amelia. Put your blade away. Trust me. You’ve proven your barbarism beyond any doubts this council may have had. Now go about your business until we’ve made our decision concerning the first quest, please.” He glanced toward his fellow council members. “I do believe this meeting is adjourned.”

Chapter Seven
    Mia’s hands were still trembling a full turn of the hourglass after almost cutting Duke Daggertoss’s ear. She clasped them in her lap in order to keep the shaking to a minimum. The memory of bright red blood dripping through his fingers and running down the shoulder of his previously downy white councilor’s robe had her stomach rolling and bile rising.
    She gagged.
    What the VoT had she been thinking throwing a sharp object at anyone, let alone at Alistair Daggertoss’s father, who happened to also be the leader of the council? She’d obviously lost her mind.
    “Who can tell me the five basic principles of mind control? Anyone? Speak up, don’t be shy.”
    Mia sighed as she glanced up at her instructor. What was wrong with her today? She should know the answer to that question without even thinking, yet her mind was strangely blank. This was Mysticism 101, for God Draka’s sake, and Lady Krystalynn, the petite, blonde, human mystic arts instructor, who was staring hopefully at the occupants of the classroom, deserved so much more than the piss-poor showing she was getting.
    How long had she herself anticipated and dreamed and studied and waited for this very series of classes to begin? She’d been preparing for this moment, this semester, her entire life, and now she couldn’t even concentrate on what was being asked? Her mind kept going back to and over her meeting with the council.
    God Draka, she could’ve killed the man, and she hadn’t even been aiming for his fat, stupid head. Though she’d taken her share of dagger tossing lesions from Uncle Leeky, as Kit had, she was in no way, shape, or form any kind of rogue. VoT, she wasn’t even a poor substitute for a rogue’s left arse cheek.
    No, she hadn’t been directing her toss toward any part of the duke. It had been the huge, un-missable wall behind the odious man’s head she’d been aiming for. After all, how could anyone, with even a day’s worth of training, fail to hit an entire wall?
    But she had.
    She smiled to herself. Though she’d undoubtedly regret to her dying day that she’d harmed another living, breathing being, the look on Talon’s and Wally’s faces had almost made up for her mortification. It wasn’t horror or disappointment or even disbelief she’d seen in their eyes. It was pride.
    “Come now, someone must know the five most basic principles of mind control. It’s something young children are taught in early prep school, for God Draka’s sake.”
    Mia wanted to answer but, instead, found herself mesmerized. Then she realized it was something

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