Tested by the Night

Tested by the Night by Maxine Mansfield Page A

Book: Tested by the Night by Maxine Mansfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maxine Mansfield
Tags: Erotic Romance
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about Lady Krystalynn’s eyes. They were such a bright, pure sky blue. They were piercing, almost hypnotic. She strained to get a closer peek at the mystic instructor’s entire face. Why had she not noticed before how very lovely Lady Krystalynn was? Tiny lines around the woman’s eyes attested to the fact she laughed often and well. She even had a smattering of pale freckles across her pert, little human nose, and her lips were full and cherry red, her smile inviting. She was so stunning; it was hard to look away.
    And then it came back to her, and with a shake of her head, Mia easily broke the trance. She cleared her throat and raised her hand.
    Lady Krystalynn nodded. “Yes, Princess Hammerstrike?”
    Mia cleared her throat. “The five basic principles of mind control are eye-contact, concentration, probing, hypnosis, and the ability not to be the one who blinks first.”
    Lady Krystalynn blinked twice. “Bravo, Princess Hammerstrike. I thought you might be the first to break my little spell. I sense old magic in you. I have to admit, however, I’m surprised it took you so long. Let alone the entire rest of the class completely failing to recognize I was controlling them.”
    The mystic teacher shook her head and addressed the room at large. “I realize this portion of class is basic mysticism lecture, and more than a few of you are simply trying to fulfill your electives. But trust me in this, learning the art of controlling or simply influencing the mind of another is no laughing matter. It would be in your best interest to pay close attention.”
    Lady Krystalynn looked directly at Mia. “Especially you, Princess Hammerstrike. As all of you well know, High Mystic Purrell teaches the lab portion of mysticism, and he has a special, shall we say, affinity for pretty, little redheads. If you are the least bit weak minded or distracted to the point you have difficulty breaking spells, then God Draka help you when the High Mystic catches you at your most vulnerable.” She shuddered. “The things I’ve seen, the stories I could tell.”
    Heat crept up Mia’s neck and flooded her cheeks. What had she been thinking letting her mind drift, especially in a class like mysticism? She knew better. She’d faithfully studied the ways of the mystic all her life. Wanting and needing to understand her spiritmaster legacy. At least the small part of it she’d been lucky enough to inherent.
    And what, if anything, could she do about High Mystic Purrell? Today wasn’t the first time she’d heard his name. Her mother had already warned her about the odious man’s superb powers of persuasion and weird obsession with cocks. And if truth be told, it hadn’t been just her mother who’d warned her, either, but every single one of her aunts, and pseudo aunts.
    They’d all told her the same exact thing. In order to survive one of High Mystic Purrell’s classes with her mind not only intact, but still her own, there was one cardinal rule of mysticism she must never break. Pay attention, pay attention, pay attention.
    Pay attention to every single detail no matter how small or insignificant it may seem at the time. Pay attention to every thought that comes to mind and analyze its origin to make sure it was her own and not planted. And pay special attention to the actions of those around her, no matter how innocent appearing.
    It was a rule she certainly hadn’t adhered to very well today.
    She sighed. It was imperative to be ever vigilant. To never, not ever, for any reason let her mind simply wander while in the presence of another mystic. Especially not within the range of someone as powerful as High Mystic Purrell. The man was a complete and total pervert.
    She shuddered, and goose bumps prickled her arms.
    Mia locked gazes with her instructor. “Trust me. I’ll be more diligent in the future.”
    Mia missed having a girlfriend to talk to. She missed Kit. This wasn’t the way it was supposed to go. They’d planned on

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