Tess and the Highlander
think of to describe the thrill of relief that had coursed through
him at the sight of his brother Colin standing on the shore of the
rocky inlet. And the same word would have worked for his
astonishment at the bonny caretaker of St. Adrian’s shrine. But the
ship’s master had no way to describe his feelings upon learning
that she was Theresa Catherine Lindsay!
    Alexander had a far better recollection than his
younger brother of the storm of rumors that had followed the attack
on the Lindsay clan eleven years earlier and the young heir who had
disappeared. He himself had been introduced to Sir Stephen Lindsay
not long before that tragedy. He had watched the man fight in a
tournament the king had held in the bowl-shaped rock amphitheater
just outside the walls of Stirling Castle the summer before. He had
heard stories from his own father, Alec Macpherson, about the
Highlander’s courage and his dedication to his king and his people.
And as a child, Alexander had even overheard bits of talk of how
beneficial it would be to both clans if someday Alexander were to
wed a daughter of Ravenie Castle’s laird. As it turned out, Lady
Evelyn Lindsay had indeed borne a daughter.
    But life’s tragedies take no heed of men’s plans. In
one fateful night, the Lindsay laird had been killed and the bairn
lost. Lost until now.
    And Alexander couldn’t stop staring at her. She was
no longer a bairn.
    Tess, wrapped in a stout leather cloak, was standing
by the railing and listening intently to what one of the ship’s
mates was telling her about the sailing vessel that was at this
minute plowing through the rolling billows northward.
    “Could you possibly see fit to give me your
attention for a moment?”
    Alexander heard Colin’s low growl, but answered
without taking his eyes off the enchanting young woman.
    “What is wrong, brother? Feeling ignored, are
    “Blast it, Alexander. If you don’t look at me, I
swear I’ll throw you to the fish.”
    The edge in Colin’s voice was not like him at all.
With a show of reluctance, the ship’s master drew his attention
from the lass and glanced casually at the fierce young lion beside
him. In looks and in size, he and Colin were very much the same.
But in worldliness and good sense, Alexander knew he had more than
a few years on his younger brother.
    Still, though, there was something in Colin’s look
that caught Alexander’s attention. It was either his tumble into
the sea or his time on the island, but something had changed
Colin. Or perhaps someone , he realized.
    “I thought you were going below to change into a
less ragged shirt.”
    “I went. I changed. I came back. But still you stand
here looking like a beggar eyeing a free supper.”
    “Am I, brother?”
    “Aye. The drool on your chin gives you away.”
    “You’re probably right.” Alexander gave a small
shrug. “But see for yourself. The sea is finally smooth. A fair
wind fills the sails. The course is set and all is well. I even
have the dubious good fortune of being able to return my wee
brother to Benmore Castle in one piece. But on top of all that, I
have the bonny face of a young woman to gaze on right here on the
deck of my ship. Why should I want to move?”
    “To give her some rest from your lecherous looks!
Can’t you see the poor creature is nervous about all of this?”
    “She looks quite well to m…”
    “Never mind how she looks!” Colin snapped. “I’m
telling you that Tess is plenty nervous about people looking at
her…particularly pox-ridden, bow-legged old sea rovers like you.
And since stepping on board, she’s not had a minute’s rest from
your bloody staring.”
    “I don’t know. She looks perfectly comfortable to
me.” Alexander smiled. “And I’ll have you know, I am not
pox-ridden. I’m as careful a man as a maid will find anywhere.”
    “I’m so relieved to hear it…you bloody goat,”
Colin retorted.
    Alexander slapped his younger brother on the back.

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