Tempting Gray - Untouchables 02
and so was he when she finished her tirade.
    With one final glare, she spun and left the
room only to march straight into the arms of another Were. The man, clothed in
black just like the other one, also had a strange stamp on his neck. The Donato
seal. He was one of them. The thought had no sooner crossed her mind before the
man grabbed her around the neck and pulled her close. He pressed a silver blade
to her neck as he and Grayson faced off. Fear rooted her in place. Why had she
let her emotions get the best of her? If she hadn’t stormed out of the room
then this wouldn’t have happened. The last thing she wanted to do was make
herself look like a feminine fool unable to take care of herself in even the
simplest of ways.
    “Drop your weapons, Blackmoore, or I stick her
like you stuck my friend there.” The blade bit into her skin drawing blood. The
warm rivulets dripped down her neck, surprisingly itchy.
    Only Grayson didn’t do that. Instead, he used
his incredible speed again. Suddenly he was behind them and the blade at her
throat vanished as the man screamed in agony as his wrist snapped in half at
Grayson’s grasp. She didn’t look as Grayson held the man down and questioned
him. The man revealed nothing before Grayson finished him off. Two dead. How
did he do it? She was shaking for god’s sake.
    “Come on. There will be more and they’ve blown
in the entrance. They’re trying to trap us in.” Grayson grabbed her hand and
they took off running down one long stone corridor after the next. It was a maze
of hallways and rooms. It went on forever. When they finally stopped she felt
as though they were even deeper in the catacombs, far below the surface.
    They stopped in one of the rooms with spare
couches and little else. She’d worked up a sweat and an appetite, not that she
as complaining. “They’re Donato’s men,” she said.
    “I know. I saw the seal. Are you all right?” He
asked it the same way Sissy asked her if she wanted grilled cheese for dinner.
The comparison made her laugh and he gave her a calculating look. “This was
your first time watching someone die. It’s hard.”
    For some reason his understanding did not
mellow her out as she might have thought. In fact it seemed to do the opposite.
Her spine snapped straight and she lifted her chin wanting to appear as cool as
he. “I’m fine. I was taken off guard. That’s all.”
    He gave her a doubtful look before taking out
his cell phone. He tried for several minutes to call out before giving up. “No
signal this deep. We’ll have to find another exit.”
    “How are we supposed to do that?” Arabella
    Grayson arched a brow and only looked at her.
Then it sunk in. He expected her to find the exit. She was this amazing
tracker, supposedly. Yeah, right, she thought, taking a deep breath.
    “Touch something and find us an exit. And
unless you want to be stuck in this forsaken hell hole with a hungry vampire, I
suggest you do it quickly.”
    “No offense, but what’s the rush?”
    “Aside from my enemies hunting us down room by
room at this very moment, it is also—” he checked his watch— “only an hour
until sunup. If you don’t find that exit before then we’ll be stuck here no
matter what until sundown.”
    “Oh,” she said as the implications sunk in.
    “I’m glad you finally understand the magnitude
of the problem. Now start finding us an exit.”

    Do you have to be such an asshole?
    No .
    I cannot afford to soften toward her. Already
my past with the girl is tumultuous.
    Arabella should be already fed up with him, but
he had to admit he admired her resilience. She hadn’t complained or screamed
after he’d killed two of Donato’s men. Vincent Donato was not messing around.
He must want Grayson’s head on a platter as much as Gray wanted his.
    “Well I’m not getting anything in this old,
dusty room. Let’s move out and see if I can pick up anything. No guarantees
though. Really,

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