Tempting Gray - Untouchables 02
beneath my
fingernails and I think of another…
    There cannot be a hell worthy of his disgrace.
Mother would be ashamed.
    As the thoughts ate at him he watched her shake
her head and plead with him to come with her. Could she see it wasn’t worth the
risk? He’d dispose of them and with this being the only hallway to Ara, the
weres would never make it past him alive.
    “Go now, Arabella. Do not disobey me.” He
pushed her shoulder enough to get her feet moving. Her jaw wavered up in down
like she wanted to say something. “Now!” he said. It wasn’t until after
her footsteps faded away and she disappeared from view that he realized he’d
fallen back on his native Turkish tongue. The unusual lapse would have to be
considered later though. For now…
    More howls danced through the halls. Snarls and
heavy breathing came next, the heavy sniffing like that of a dog. They were
coming. This, he loved. The hot-blooded anticipation that fueled his body and
made his heart pump. This always made him feel alive when nothing else could.
All those years of Anita’s depression had sent him into his work with concentrated
ferocity. He’d been working the second time she miscarried.
    An animal barreling down the hallway toward him
shoved the bitter thoughts away. Claws clicked on the stone. Heavy breaths
labored, the sound growing louder. Loud, noisy beasts Weres were. Vampires used
stealth and speed to their advantage, usually requiring a blade to finish the
job. Two of them. Without Ara to worry about, he relished the oncoming fight.
    Gray rushed down the hall, his steps making no
sound at all as he moved so quickly he nearly moved on air. His speed blurred.
He caught the first lumbering Were with an arm to the throat. The Were yelped
as it slammed backward with the force of Grayson’s strike. He did not hesitate
to pull out his blade and bury it deep in the Were’s heart. The silver blade
did its job. Shuddering, the creature foamed at the mouth before it exhaled its
last breath.
    The last two Weres were on him. One jumped in
the air trying to catch Gray in the chest while the other ducked low and
launched at his knees. Gray knew he couldn’t dodge both attacks so he went the
path of least resistance and took the hit to the chest. The blast hit him like
a wrecking ball. He shot backward soaring through the air and crashing into the
wall. The Were who hit him wasn’t so lucky.
    Gray stabbed the Were’s furry belly repeatedly.
As the beast cried out, its claws stuck into Grayson’s skin tearing the flesh
apart. Grunting as his shoulder muscle tore, Gray grabbed the Were’s head and
jerked it backward. They both fought to gain the upper hand as they rolled
backward. The creature was powerful and strong, its legs bucking, teeth
    “Fuck!” Gray cursed as the Were landed a lucky
bite to the meat of his thigh. He palmed the blade one more time; it kept
slipping from the slick blood coating his hand. And he stabbed the beast
straight through the eye.
    Gray finished the job, not giving this Were as
nice a treatment as his friend received. He severed the beast’s head, then
sprinted after the other Were
    Before it could get to Arabella. .

    Why did these terrifying things have to happen
to her? Grayson Blackmoore must be cursed, Ara thought as she ran. Muscles
burned in her body and her breath rattled in her rib cage like a sickly person
on their deathbed.
    My, what a morbid thought, Ara. That might
be because a Were is chasing after me right this very second .
    Ara didn’t know what happened with Grayson but
she did know the Were after her was going to kill her if she didn’t do something—and
fast. The creature could easily out run her in Were form and without being able
to shapeshift she had no other choice but to try the dodge and evade method.
Basically she tossed everything and anything she could behind her as she ran.
This included unlit torches from the walls, broken chairs covered in

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