Tease: A Kings of Korruption MC Novel

Tease: A Kings of Korruption MC Novel by Geri Glenn

Book: Tease: A Kings of Korruption MC Novel by Geri Glenn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Geri Glenn
Tags: Romance, Contemporary Romance, MC Romance
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just about fucking kills me.   I love that bike.   “Jase says he can fix it.   He was working on it when we left.”
    I clench my jaw and nod.   I know Jase can fix it – the man is a fucking genius with motorcycles.   I just don’t look forward to not having my ride until he does.   Looks like I’ll be driving this fucking van for a while.
    “Where’s Laynie?” Ryker asks.
    I side-eye him.   “Gone.”
    “Gone?   Not for good, though, right?”   Mouse pokes his head up between the two front seats.   “Laynie’s the shit!”
    I glare straight ahead, watching the scenery and thinking that Mouse needs to learn to mind his own fucking business.
    “He’s right, ya know.”   I look at Ryker.   “She’s fuckin’ cool.   And she likes you, which is a miracle in its-fucking-self.   Hold on to that shit, brother.”
    I shake my head, noticing the driveway for the clubhouse approaching.   I need to get out of this vehicle and away from these nosey fucks.   Ryker just chuckles and pulls into the nearest parking space.   “Church in five.”
    The three of us walk into the clubhouse and are greeted by Gunner.   “Get your asses in the meeting room.   We’re all waiting.   Mouse, you better sit in on this one.”
    Mouse nods and follows us in.   Once we’re all seated, Gunner pounds his gavel down onto the table.   “Shit’s gettin’ serious, boys.   Real serious.”   He motions to me.   “Tease, glad you’re OK, brother.”
    I receive slaps on the back and murmured agreements before he continues.   “Those sons-of-bitches almost killed one of our own last night.   And he had his fuckin’ old lady with him.”   My heart clenches at the mention of Laynie.   After the way her brother died, she must have been fucking terrified.   Breaking it off with her was a shit move.
    “They wanted a war?   Well, they fuckin’ got one.”   Fists pound the table, and the room erupts in loud voices, each one plotting the death of the Devil’s Rejects.   All except one.
    “How do we even know it was the Devils?”   The room quiets, and all eyes turn to Tiny.   “We have no proof.   Tease was fuckin’ knocked out, and his bitch is fuckin’ blind.”   He sneers that last word with disgust.
    My eyes widen, and heated rage erupts in my gut.   I pierce him with my eyes, about to lose my shit when I’m interrupted.
    “You might want to watch your tone more carefully next time, Tiny,” Reaper growls.   “You disrespect a brother or his old lady like that again, I’ll be next in line after Tease to shove my foot up your ass and wear you as a fuckin’ boot.”
    Tiny’s eyes narrow on Reaper, but he says nothing.   Gunner shakes his head.   “Moving on, ladies.   We know it was the Devils for sure because I have a contact who fuckin’ told me so.”
    I sit up straighter, ignoring the pain from my road rash.   This is news to me.
    “A man that goes by the name of Tip contacted me earlier this mornin’.   He’s an advisor for the local chapter of the Bloods.”   He looks around the room.   “Seems we got a common enemy.”
    “The Bloods?   We’re doing business with the fuckin’ Bloods now?”   Tiny shakes his head.   “Fuck me.”
    “Tiny!” Gunner yells his name so loud we all jump.   “Shut the fuck up, or get the fuck out of my clubhouse.   I’m tired of dealin’ with you and your fuckin’ mouth.   Show some goddamned respect or hand in your fuckin’ patch.”   Tiny’s eyes widen.   “Moving the fuck on.   Tip has a guy workin’ undercover with the Crips.   Said the Crips and the Devils have been workin’ together on some drug trading lately.   He overheard them last night laughin’ about runnin’ one of the Kings off the road.”
    He leans back in his chair.   “Now, Tip didn’t give me this information out of the kindness of his heart.   The Bloods want the Crips taken out.   They want their share of the cocaine trade here in the

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