Cyber Attack

Cyber Attack by Bobby Akart

Book: Cyber Attack by Bobby Akart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bobby Akart
there a park not too far back?” asked Steven.
    “Yeah, about halfway,” replied Bugs.
    “Let’s dump him on a park bench with his pants around his ankles,” said Slash. “He deserves it.”
    “With his pecker hangin’ out?” asked Sharpie.
    “Why the hell not? He won’t need it anymore.”

Chapter 20
    May 26, 2016
    100 Beacon
    Boston, Massachusetts
    Sarge rode up the elevator with a sense of relief after an extremely hectic semester. He posted grades today and was pleased with everyone’s performance. He was coming into his own as an educator, both within the Harvard confines as well as on the speaking circuit. His book, Choose Freedom or Capitulation, America’s Sovereignty Crisis , was a New York Times best seller for four consecutive months and Sarge was in high demand for speaking engagements. His publicist was now earning him a lucrative fee as well as high-quality travel arrangements. He scheduled a few trips with Julia in mind and he hoped she could accompany him.
    He hated being apart from her. Over the last six months, since that fun evening at Stephanie’s in December, they were inseparable. She moved in with Sarge—but not just in a this is your dresser drawer sort of way. He loved her very much and needed her even more. He wanted to make this permanent and contemplated marriage all the time. I guess it will happen when the time is right.
    As the doors opened to the Great Hall, he was immediately struck with the smell of braised beef and George Gershwin’s An American in Paris . Julia was pulling out all of the stops tonight, including the stunning black cocktail dress. What did I forget ?
    “Hi, honey, I’m home,” announced Sarge. “Sargent, party of two?”
    “Come here and kiss me, smartass,” said Julia. She wrapped her arms around him while he struggled to hold the bags of produce she requested from Whole Foods. “I missed you today.”
    “I see that. I love you and missed you too. School’s out for the summer and I’m all yours. Well, mostly.”
    “How ’bout some wine?” asked Julia. “I popped open a bottle of Beaujolais.”
    Sarge nodded as Julia poured the glass. He set the grocery bags on the island.
    “Listen, I am a boy and forgetful about certain things,” said Sarge.
    “Like what things?” asked Julia teasingly.
    Oh shit, what did I forget? “You know, couple things that men tend to forget but women always remember.”
    “Relax, Sarge, I knew you wouldn’t remember what today is, but I did. I won’t hold that against you as long as you hold me against you.”
    “Deal! What did I forget?” he asked.
    “Ten years ago today, we had our first date. Do you remember now?” asked Julia.
    “Of course I do, darling. John Morgan invited us to the Garden of Flags event on Boston Common and he sat us next to each other for dinner in his home that night.”
    Every Memorial Day weekend, the Massachusetts Military Heroes organization planted a garden of thirty-seven thousand flags in front of the Soldiers and Sailors Monument on Boston Common to commemorate the service members from Massachusetts who gave their lives to defend the United States. Morgan had a private dinner at his home that evening. Sarge and Julia were seated next to each other at the table. This event came towards the end of Sarge’s relationship with Abbie and it was obvious Morgan was nudging Sarge in Julia’s direction.
    Sarge continued. “That seems like a long time ago. I always wondered if Morgan had an ulterior motive.”
    “He always has an ulterior motive, as do I, Henry,” said Julia, using his given name. She bowed and handed him his glass of wine.
    “I love it when you talk dirty to me, Lady Hawthorne.”
    Julia emptied the contents of the Whole Foods bag and looked perplexed.
    “Whole Foods wasn’t able to confiscate your whole paycheck this time?”
    “No. In fact, it was eerie,” replied Sarge. “The shelves were bare and the produce department was decimated. One of the

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