Tears of Endurance (Romantic Drama) Book #1

Tears of Endurance (Romantic Drama) Book #1 by D.G. Torrens

Book: Tears of Endurance (Romantic Drama) Book #1 by D.G. Torrens Read Free Book Online
Authors: D.G. Torrens
what you were like when we were younger when we used to go out every week. You were a nightmare and could never decide on an outfit, I would turn up at your house and you were never ready and usually with the contents of your wardrobe strewn all over your bed. It’s great to see you smiling again, Arianna; I am so excited for you. This could be the beginning of something wonderful.”
    “ You know, Casey, I believe you could be right. Ben actually makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end when I am near him. It’s the most incredible feeling and one I have never experienced before. Anyway, I don’t want to run before I can walk, let’s see how Saturday plays out first.”
    “ Have you mentioned him to your mother yet?” Arianna looked at Casey with a serious expression.
    “ Are you crazy? My mother would have me married off within 10 minutes, you know how she gets.”
    Casey was holding her stomach through laughing and nodded her head in complete agreement.
    After showing Casey out with a firm promise to keep her posted every step of the way on her progress with the delectable Ben, Arianna popped a CD into the CD player and sat back in her comfy armchair with her eyes closed and sporting a wide smile, listening to the beautiful words of “Beneath your Beautiful” by Labyrinth featuring Emeli Sande. This was Arianna’s current favourite song and it had gone viral in the UK. The words, “Let me see beneath your perfect,” remained in her head for quite some time.
    She wondered if anyone really revealed their true self, how much of themselves they held back, like a secret never to be revealed. Why are we so reluctant to let people see deep into our soul and show them what our true feelings are on life, people, politics and global issues, and anything else for that matter? Why is life so complicated? And why are most relationships as difficult to figure out as a mission from the MI5? She laughed at this thought as the ramblings in her head progressed to more serious issues. Arianna had always had a tendency to wander off topic, her mind racing from one issue to another. She would have it all solved in her own mind quite quickly, solving world peace and hunger. It all seemed so simple to her. The West has food mountains and other parts of the world were starving, why not just send over our surplus? After all, we find money for war so find it for the starving. We are all sharing the same space down here and there is more than enough food to go around, there is no need for anyone to starve. Deep down, she knew it was not so simple ; warring countries and tyrannical leaders preventing food supplies from reaching their people. Arianna concluded she was very lucky and had nothing to complain about and proceeded into the kitchen to pour herself a large glass of rosé. She made her way to her bedroom and stood in front of her full-length mirror. Not bad for 36 , she said out loud to herself. She ran her fingers through her hair and spotted a single white hair standing out from the rest. Oh God, how many more are hiding in there? Arianna spent the next five minutes fumbling through her hair frantically in search of rogue white hairs that she felt had no place being there at all!
    After running a bubble-filled bath and lighting a single scented candle, she stripped down and stepped into the steaming hot bath. Ah, perfect . Her thoughts drifted to her booking the following night: a local accountancy firm were entertaining some very important clients and had booked the gallery several weeks before. She ran through her checklist in her mind, feeling satisfied that she had it all covered. The food had been ordered from Sully’s, and the cleaning staff were booked to come in early and stay for an extra hour to ensure the place was sparkling. The catering staff was due to deliver and set out the nibbles at seven o’clock and the clients were due half an hour later. Two boxes of wine had been ordered, one white and one

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