Tears of Endurance (Romantic Drama) Book #1

Tears of Endurance (Romantic Drama) Book #1 by D.G. Torrens Page A

Book: Tears of Endurance (Romantic Drama) Book #1 by D.G. Torrens Read Free Book Online
Authors: D.G. Torrens
red, along with a box of Evian spring water. She would just need to lay out the wine glasses on trays and call Stacy, a local girl who often helped her out with these bookings. The money came in handy for her as she was studying at Birmingham University and always glad of the work. Arianna just hoped she was still happy to waitress for the night; it would be an easy job of just walking around with trays of nibbles, offering them to the clients, and refilling their glasses as and when needed.
    These bookings were very successful and Arianna was booked back to back for the next two months, with similar bookings from local companies. Word had spread wide and fast and her little gallery had become the latest hotspot for local companies wanting to impress their clients. It was also something different and they were always impressed with the art work on display. Arianna made a few sales this way too so it was a win win all round.
    Remembering Ben mentioning he had a hospital appointment the following day, Arianna wondered whether she should send him a text message to wish him good luck. She thought about it for a while. Was it too soon to be sending such messages to someone she hardly knew? Would he think it was too soon? I am giving this way too much thought , she mumbled to herself as she reached for her mobile phone sitting on her coffee table. She searched for his number in her contacts list and then selected his name and began typing a short message.
    Hi Ben,
    It ’s Arianna; I just wanted to wish you all the best for tomorrow at the hospital. See you on Saturday. Take care.
    She read and re-read her message several times before she pressed ‘send.’ Well, it’s done now, hopefully he won’t think me too presumptuous, she thought nervously. A few seconds later, her phone started to vibrate. Arianna clicked on the message icon and opened the message.
    Hi Arianna, Thank you so much for thinking of me, you have made my day. I am really looking forward to seeing you again on Saturday. x
    Arianna read Ben’s message several times, smiling from ear to ear, not so much for what it said but for the single kiss placed at the end of it. Her heart was beating fast and she felt a surge of excitement flowing through her veins. She hopped off her seat and made her way to the kitchen to top up her glass. She felt like a teenager who had just arranged her very first date and simply could not wait for Saturday to arrive. She couldn’t believe he was making her feel this way, but she liked it. She felt like she had taken flight and couldn’t quite touch down, no matter how hard she tried.

Chapter fourteen
    Ben pulled up inside the hospital car park and parked his car. After fumbling for his recent letter in his glove compartment, he climbed out and locked up. He was feeling very positive about his appointment mainly due to the lack of headaches and back pain he’d felt of late. This has to be a good thing , he mumbled to himself as he walked up to the reception desk. “Good morning, Mary, how are you today?” Ben asked.
    “ Lovely to see you again, Ben, you’re looking extremely well,” replied Mary, sporting a huge smile.
    “ Thank you, Mary. I have an outpatient’s appointment with Dr Shepherd this morning at eleven o’clock.”
    Mary started tapping away at the keys on her computer. “Ah yes, there you are, he is running 10 minutes late I’m afraid, Ben. Just take a seat and help yourself to a tea or coffee, he will be with you as soon as he is finished.” Ben nodded and headed over to the coffee machine for a latte.
    Several weeks had passed by since he was at Westview and sitting there in the waiting room watching nurses and doctors meandering around and patients coming and going brought back memories of those painful hard couple of months he ’d spent there. He realised once again what a close shave he’d had and was dead set on making the most of his future from now on. Fifteen minutes passed by

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