Taste of the Devil
with a slight tremor as he released her.
    What in Hades had just happened?
    He stood abruptly, running shaking fingers through the long length of his hair. In all his thirty years, in the countless situations he had been in, this had never happened to him. Tyler Devon– who, in some circles was rather infamous for his iron will– had been close to losing himself.
    By God.
    ‘Twas a bleedin’ miracle.
    Or a friggin’ curse.

Chapter Ten
    She was almost his.
    Tyler idly wondered if he would survive long enough to get through his marriage vows.
    He squinted his eyes in the musty coach, vainly trying to block out the caterwauling coming from the roof of the conveyance. Charles, the cat cuddler, had been screeching for two and a half hours.
    If his head weren’t hurting so badly; he might marvel at the animal’s strength of will. The feline was not a happy passenger and he was letting everyone know it. Constantly. Loudly.
    A pleasing scene went through his mind involving a plump cat head and a cutlass. Automatically, his hand went to his waistband, forgetting for the moment that his usual weapon was not there.
    Resigned, he exhaled through his teeth.
    Tyler coolly observed the other passengers in the carriage.
    The woman, Mabel, from what he could glean, was a combination housekeeper and lady’s maid. She didn’t look or sound like any lady’s maid he had ever seen. At present she was eyeing him from under her fussy mobcap as if he were a salacious purveyor of human flesh.
    His glance moved on to the uncle.
    The Toad was gloating and beaming as if he had just swallowed a nice fat fly. Tyler wouldn’t have been surprised if a long tongue snapped out of Jediah’s mouth to make a go at a passing insect outside the coach.
    Well, he must appear as Father Christmas to the avaricious old reptile, seeing as how he was about to hand over Ginny’s fortune and take the chit off his hands at the same time.
    Then there was Lord Henley Henry.
    His Eau de Fop perfume had been suffocating Tyler in the cramped confines of the coach. Like the other two passengers, Henry also stared intensely at Tyler; although what his particular look meant Lord Devon had no desire to interpret.
    Thank God the idiotic Reggie had taken a slight chill and could not attend today! It was the only bright spot so far in a day gone abysmally dark. Even the weather seemed to be aligned with his mood, as it was damp and drizzly outside the coach.
    Finally, his gaze fell upon Ginny.
    His soon-to-be-wife.
    She seemed unaware of his perusal as she stared morosely out the window. No doubt she was thinking that bargain or no, she would have been better off without the likes of Tyler Devon.
    She would have different thoughts about him before this night was through, he’d wager.
    But for now that was his secret.
    He continued to regard her as the horses clip-clopped along the roadway. She was young and innocent, nothing more than a mullet to his shark. Perhaps it would be wiser to approach matters slowly with her.
    An even keel, a smoother ride as they say.
    Aye, he probably should take his time with her...
    It was at that moment Ginny chose to rub at a stiff muscle in her neck. Tyler noted it was the exact spot his tongue had tasted. The spot that had driven him mad.
    Blood rushed straight to his groin. Exactly as it had that day.
    Despite the chill in the air, beads of sweat broke out across his forehead.
    I am fevered.
    Fighting back a rising desire, he tried to concentrate on his original avenue of thought. Would she ever forgive him for his deception?
    Perhaps, if he made it enjoyable enough for her.
    Surely, he had no doubts along those lines; he was too experienced to do aught else. Of course, it would go easier on her if she had some affection for him.
    It might be a good idea to woo her first.
    Yes, the more he thought on it the more he realized the wisdom of that approach. He definitely should take the time to cultivate an affection from her.
    Not that

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