Taste of the Devil
gentle puffs of his breathing that she had felt in her sleep. She nudged him sharply with her elbow.
    “Lord Devon.”
    The handsome rake mumbled something incoherent into her neck, pulled her closer, and kept on sleeping.
    Ginny stared straight ahead. This was a situation.
    How was she going to disengage herself from the annoying clod? Why did he have to go and fall asleep across her! The warmth of his body around her contrasted perfectly with the cool, light breeze, and if forced to be honest, she’d have to admit he didn’t feel altogether terrible next to her.
    In fact, he felt rather soothing.
    Until butter soft lips pressed against the tender skin under her jaw.
    Ginny was horrified.
    She sucked in her breath. Was the reprobate attempting “The Deed” on her in his sleep? “My-My lord! Are you about to kiss me?” Her voice came out a breathy squeak.
    Tyler’s raspy response was muffled against her throat.
    “Of course not, love.” The large hands, which had been locked around her waist, began to stroke down the front of her thighs. “We have a bargain, remember?”
    Ginny could hardly breathe. She was quite sure kissing was a dangerous sport for any lady to engage in, the consequences of which could be dire. The feel of him behind her, of his warm palms gliding down her legs, his hot breath at her throat, surely spelled trouble.
    “Then- then what are you doing?"
    A muscled arm hooked firmly around her waist to pull her closer as he continued to massage her with the other. “I’m cuddling you.” He leaned closer to mouth in her ear, “Have you never been cuddled?”
    Cuddled? There was nothing unseemly about cuddling, was there? Letting out a pent-up breath, she answered his question honestly. “All night long with Charles and I swear if he had his way it would be half the day, too.”
    All cuddling ceased.
    “And just who is this Charles?”
    There was that voice again. The one that iced her through and through. Ginny turned in his arms, looking up in disbelief at his tone. “My cat– remember?”
    Tyler instantly relaxed. Perhaps he had overreacted.
    “Ah, yes; the kitten.” Glancing down, he contemplated the full, soft lips so enticingly close to his own. All he had to do was drop his head slightly–
    And promptly scare her out of the agreement they had made.
    He could well afford to wait until Saturday.
    But... nothing was stopping him from turning up the heat a little. He smiled sardonically as inspiration struck. “And how does Charles cuddle? Does he do this?” Tyler rubbed his face into her fragrant hair mussing it up.
    Ginny rolled her eyes at his outlandish behavior.
    “Or this?” He caught her earlobe with the edge of his teeth, giving it a sharp little tug.
    Ginny laughed, fully relaxed against him now. A mistake, to be sure. Men like him always played with intent.
    “Or perhaps he does this?”
    A hot tongue flicked against the moist skin of her throat.
    “Does he mistake you for a sweet bowl of cream?”
    The silky tongue swirled the tender skin at the juncture of her shoulder, laving the creamy smoothness with long, sensuous strokes.
    She could not believe how interesting it felt.
    Ginny promptly let out a little moan and turned her head to the side to grant the reprobate better access.
    Perhaps it wasn’t wise to encourage a rake’s frolicsome ways, but it felt so-o bloody good! Besides, if a man wanted to play at being a cat, who was she to gainsay him? She arched into him as he hit a particularly sensitive area.
    Tyler was not surprised by her reaction. He had wanted to bring forth just such a response from her. What did surprise him was his own response.
    The velvety taste of her beneath his mouth drove him wild.
    His breathing increased; a slight sheen of sweat broke out on his forehead. He wanted so much more from her...
    He froze.
    Hell’s bells, he had to stop this now– before he could not stop himself. His hands shook

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