Tantric Orgasm for Women
in the female body and the vagina is the negative pole. Energy from the breasts overflows and internally ignites the vagina, which creates the full
for penetration by man. The breasts are a little detour away from the vagina for man, a trip through the female energy system before he approaches the physical port of entry. Instead of forced or quick penetration without enough knocking on the door, there is a waiting at the threshold for the deeper invitation to man, which awakens in woman through the breasts. When a woman’s vagina vibrates in magnetic response to her breasts being loved, she instantly recognizes her moment of sexual readiness—she knows without any doubt that she is ready. There is an involuntary movement toward the man, a seemingly magnetic attraction to his body, a yearning for intimacy, for penetration, a deep longing to unite. This moment is not a mind decision or a submission to someone else’s desires or wishes. It is instead a completely spontaneous, energetichappening: from the depths arises an utter
to man. To man the difference is electrifying and immediately perceptible. This welcome, this wholehearted and full-bodied response, shifts sex into a higher dimension, a dimension in which it becomes an electromagnetic celebration that leaves you satiated and radiant with love.
    Energy Flows from Male into Female
    The intrinsic properties of the vagina are passive and receptive, welcoming, silky, serene, sensitive. The vagina is not an external organ like the penis; it is an inversion, a canal providing flow into the body, a delicate muscular recess. It is not designed to take direct action but to exert an influence on the penis through the quality of energy present in its tissues.
    The physical correspondence of the penis fitting into the vagina is not accidental. The design is like this
because energy flows from male into female,
not the opposite way.* 1 This is the direction of flow—from penis into vagina, from plus to minus. Through a balance in polarity a doorway opens; energy streams upward through our internal energy channels.
    The penis is therefore to be appreciated as a conduit for vital energy as well as for semen. Likewise, the vagina is the receptacle for this force as well as for the semen necessary for reproduction. Woman as the feminine, receptive force has the capacity to draw the male energy upward through her vagina, as if raising it to a higher frequency. The vagina melts around the penis and drinks the energy radiating from it. When the penis and the vagina are united in penetration they form one complete unit, one dynamic force and one passive force, a live electromagnetic circuit.
    However, women report that the vagina is rarely involved in their experiences of real sexual pleasure. The presence of the penis alone is seldom sufficient to create any kind of heightened experience. Very fewwomen report a type of vaginal orgasm in which the vagina reaches an
extraordinarily heightened state of sensitivity, in which the penis produces an
experience of pleasure that is infinitely prolonged, utterly ecstatic. The
vagina needs to be reincorporated in lovemaking, to take its rightful place in
accessing pleasure and the flowering of orgasmic states. In a manner of
speaking, until the moment of penetration man walks around as half a unit, half
a circuit, and woman exists as the other half of the very same circuit. We must begin to ask ourselves in what way these two half circuits can meet so as to maximize the built-in energy circuit.
    It is here, at the level of the genital interaction, where perhaps the greatest confusion in sex lies. How should the vagina best relate to the penis? How should they conduct themselves when they get together? What would
want for themselves if we did not force our personal expectations on
them? These are questions we don’t normally even think of asking because our sexual past has proved to us that the backward and forward movements of

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