Tangled Love on Pelican Point (Island County Series Book 3)

Tangled Love on Pelican Point (Island County Series Book 3) by Karice Bolton Page B

Book: Tangled Love on Pelican Point (Island County Series Book 3) by Karice Bolton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karice Bolton
heart fell. Dishes were stacked along the counters, old food was stuck on bowls, and cigarette butts littered salad bowls. It had only been a couple of days since I’d been here last, and the kitchen had looked nothing like this.
    “This isn’t looking good,” I whispered, knowing Cindy was well on her way out of my father’s life.
    “No. It’s really not.” Natalie looked under the sink for dish soap and a sponge, and I bit my tongue, willing myself not to cry as all hopes and dreams from my earlier euphoria began to slip away. If Cindy wasn’t going to be a part of his life, the burden would fall on me, but I still had to work to pay the bills. Panic began to set in as I grabbed the sponge from Natalie and began washing the dishes. Natalie didn’t say a word as she began tidying up the counters and throwing away trash.
    I mean . . . what was there to say?

    “You’re here early,” Cindy said, nearly tumbling through the front door. Natalie pressed her lips together as we saw headlights backing out of the driveway. My fury rose to a new high.
    My dad had fallen asleep in the chair sometime before midnight, and Natalie had called Cole to fill him in on the turn of events. He wanted to come over to help, but I made him promise to stay away. Whatever situation was about to go down, I didn’t need Cindy feeling like she was being attacked. I wanted a civilized discussion among adults.
    “Hey, Cindy.” I gripped my cell, watching her carelessly flick on the light with not even a bit of consideration for my dad. In fact, she didn’t even glance in his direction.
    She dumped her purse off in a worn, brown suede armchair and walked toward the kitchen. I glanced at Natalie, who looked as perplexed as I felt.
    My phone buzzed, and I looked down to see a text from Anthony.
    You doing okay? What can I do to help?
    “Cole must have said something to Anthony,” I whispered to Natalie, showing her the text.
    “Those two are worse than you and me.”
    I glanced at my dad, who still appeared to be sleeping, but I wasn’t so sure. I didn’t blame him for not wanting to be involved. He had enough to deal with.
    I stood up and made my way into the kitchen with Natalie following a few steps behind.
    Cindy was lighting up a cigarette and my jaw tensed.
    Natalie opened up the window near the sink, even though it was forty degrees outside, and a gust of icy air blasted into the kitchen.
    “I thought you only smoked outside and brought the butts in?” I asked.
    “Sue me.” She took a puff and blew it out slowly as she plopped down in a chair. “It’s my house, and I’ve had a rough night.”
    “How so?”
    “Have you looked around?”
    “I’m not sure I’m following you. You’ve been out all night.”
    “You wonder why?” She blew out more smoke, and I willed myself to stay calm. Flaring tempers would get nothing accomplished.
    “Cindy, listen. I appreciate what you’ve done for my father. I know it hasn’t been easy and it wasn’t what you expected when you married him.” I clenched my fists under the table, watching her roll her eyes. “Life has a way of turning its nose up on plans.”
    “What’s your point?”
    Natalie cleared her throat and took a seat next to me.
    “I can no longer provide financial support of any kind. I’ve drowned myself in debt as it is, and my head’s no longer above water.”
    She narrowed her cool blue eyes at me and combed her fingers through her sandy colored hair.
    “How do you expect your father and me to survive? I can’t get a job. I need to take care of him. I need to be here to look after him.” Her voice had no emotion.
    “About that.” I pressed my lips together. “I’ve tried to help out as much as I can, and I’ll continue to come over whenever it’s possible, but my help won’t be so you can continue an affair.”
    The eruption I expected didn’t happen. It didn’t happen because Cindy already had an out.
    “Well, let’s see how

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