Tangled Love on Pelican Point (Island County Series Book 3)

Tangled Love on Pelican Point (Island County Series Book 3) by Karice Bolton Page A

Book: Tangled Love on Pelican Point (Island County Series Book 3) by Karice Bolton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karice Bolton
animosity and overall disdain for one another, but it couldn’t have always been that way. There had to have been a moment where they loved being together, talked about life plans, and felt the power of a kiss.
    And that was precisely what worried me about getting wrapped up in a relationship with Anthony—or anyone, for that matter. What happened once the spark left?
    “You okay? You’ve gotten pretty quiet,” Natalie said softly.
    “Yeah. Just thinking about my mom and dad and where it all went wrong.”
    “From pulling into the driveway?” she asked.
    “You got it. Living with my mind is exhausting.”
    Natalie laughed and turned off the car. “You ready?”
    I nodded, my hand moving to the door handle, but I turned to face Natalie.
    “Question for you. The second time around with Cole, has it been easier or harder?”
    “It wasn’t hard the first time, and I have to admit, the second time around has been even better. Why?”
    I shrugged. “Relationships have never been a priority for me. I’ve managed to avoid anything serious for thirty years.”
    “First, let’s say the last ten years. I doubt we really want to count your toddler years in the relationship total. You just haven’t found the right person. It’s not a family curse. You’ve been busy living and building a life for yourself.”
    “True, but I’m not sure I’d know if I found the right guy if he was standing right in front of me.”
    “With a bouquet from your best friend’s shop?”
    “Okay, time to go in.” I chuckled. “They’ll think we’ve lost our minds, hanging out in the driveway.”
    “Nice way to redirect the convo.” Natalie climbed out of the car, and I stayed inside for a few more seconds, taking in a couple of deep breaths as I prayed for the discussion to go smoothly.
    Natalie opened my door, and I crawled out of the passenger seat.
    “You’ve got this. I’ll be there for moral support, but I’ll keep my lips sealed.”
    “Thank you,” I muttered as we wound along the overgrown sidewalk and made our way to the front door. I knocked softly, hearing the television on with the sports announcers commentating on the latest play, exactly as I’d imagined. I heard a grumble from my dad and opened the front door to find him sitting in the recliner, sipping his beer.
    “Hey, Dad,” I said, waving in his direction.
    His eyes lit up, but his mouth had a hard time catching up. I caught a slight curve of his lips as I bent down to give him a hug.
    Natalie waited her turn and gave him a big squeeze, which brought a full-blown smile.
    “Where’s Cindy?” I asked, not hearing any noise in the rest of the house. “Is she sleeping or something?”
    My dad slowly turned his head, indicating she wasn’t at home, and my heart hammered in my chest. My dad could speak, but he didn’t like attempting conversation by the time evening rolled around and he was worn out. He certainly wasn’t at the stage where he could be left alone for long stretches. He might not ever be able to be alone for an extended period, but regardless, I couldn’t show my dad how upset I was that he’d been left to fend for himself.
    “Did she go to the store?” I asked, catching a worried look in Natalie’s gaze.
    He turned his head slightly. “No.”
    “Did she go to get dinner?” My dad’s gaze turned back to the television, and my heart sank.
    He knew what Cindy was up to, and there was nothing he could do about it.
    My dad had always been a capable man, working in highway construction for most of his life and riding motorcycles in his off time. Everything he enjoyed came to a screeching halt when he’d had a stroke last year. He’d only been married to Cindy for two years before his health declined.
    “Did you need anything?” I asked him. “I’m gonna grab some water from the kitchen.”
    He shook his head and kept his eyes on the screen while Natalie followed me into the kitchen. The moment I walked into the tiny space, my

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