Naughty or Nice

Naughty or Nice by Kari Lee Harmon

Book: Naughty or Nice by Kari Lee Harmon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kari Lee Harmon
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she’d ruined. She brought new life into his store, himself, hell, the whole damn town. Everyone loved her.
    He frowned over the word love.
    What the hell had he been thinking, inviting her to his place? His private sanctuary. He never let anyone get that close. He was terrified that she wasn’t just anyone, and that wasn’t part of his plan. Her friends were right. No matter what Samantha said, he knew she wasn’t an affair kind of woma n. He’d been a fool to give in.
    Dammit, why’d she have to be so irresistible?
    “What’s wrong? Why are you frowning?” she asked quietly, startling him.
    He looked down at her at a loss for words. “I—I--”
    A knock on the window had them both jumping this time. There was a gap in the curtain covering the window, and once again, half the town stood there watching. Only, this time, they were all smiling and giving him the thumbs-up sign instead of staring at him in shock and disapproval.
    They really had come full circle, and he didn’t have a clue what to do about it.

    Chapter Seven
    Samantha didn’t get Nathan. They’d just experienced an unforgettable, earth-shattering night, and he was acting like they were nothing more than business partners. Granted, she’d known what she was setting herself up for from the get-go. She’d just secretly hoped that she’d had some profound effect on the guy. That maybe, just maybe, he’d discovered the spirit of Christmas and that he had opened his heart to change ... to her.
    Instead, he’d pretty much whisked them out of the store and took off, saying he had preparations to make for a surprise Christmas party for his employees. Because he owned so many stores, he usually just gave them all a Christmas bonus. He stilled planned on doing exactly that, he’d just added a party for this particular store in preparation for the big event the next day.
    The window display contest.
    Her punishment had been spelled out as he wouldn’t press charges if she came up with a winning display. What if he didn’t win? That meant he could still have her arrested for what she’d done. But if he did win, then she was free to go home on Christmas Eve. If she hurried, she just might make it home in time to put the star on top of the tree. Her heart squeezed painfully over the thought of leaving. Funny how what had seemed so important to her at the start now paled in comparison to the desire to see him look at her in a different way. Oh, she knew he wanted her, but she wanted him to love her. Truly love her and put her above himself. He really had come so far, but something told her he was incapable of giving her what she needed.
    When had her desire to get Mark out of her system turned into a need for Nathan’s love?
    When he’d held her so tenderly and had looked at her like she was the most precious thing on earth, giving her hope that there could be something more between them. Maybe tonight she would tell him how she felt, and he would surprise her. Anything was possible.
    She spent the rest of the day finishing the final touches on the storefront window, while Nathan made the arrangements for the party. He’d only poked his head in for brief seconds here and there, but pretty much had avoided her all day. Refusing to let it get her down, Samantha got herself ready. She’d donned a silk baby blue metallic cocktail dress in the same shade as her eyes and three inch silver heels. She stood by the front door when a limo pulled up alongside the curb. Donning the sexiest smile she could muster, she walked forward and slipped inside afte r the chauffer opened the door.
    The car was empty.
    Samantha glanced around in confusion as the driver said, “Mr. Snow will meet you at the restaurant, ma’am. There’s champagne and hors d’oeuvres if you’d care for any. Please don’t hesitate to let me know if there’s anything else you need. He closed the door and climbed into the front and then drove away.
    Why did she feel like she was

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