Taming the Night (Creatures of the Night Book 1)

Taming the Night (Creatures of the Night Book 1) by Tisha Wilson Page A

Book: Taming the Night (Creatures of the Night Book 1) by Tisha Wilson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tisha Wilson
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glowing red eyes in the darkness again. Without thinking he dropped the pants, pushed Sarah out of the way, and turned to face the beast that smashed out his window as it climbed through.
    The creature got face to face with Jerry and he stood firm, looking it straight in the eye. He would protect the citizens of his town if it was the last thing he did. It would probably be the last thing he did. The animal just stood there breathing hard and watching him for a moment as if they were having a standoff.
    It was Sarah’s scream that burst the bubble and set the beast back into action. It grabbed Jerry and then threw him against the wall as if he weighed nothing at all. The world went black and Sarah’s screams faded away into nothingness.
    It was hard for Al to keep her eyes on the hospital room as she was being drug away but she did. She watched as the beast who had entered the room passed Jerry out through the window and then Nurse Watkins. Jerry was unconscious and limp. Rage tore through her like a knife and she suddenly felt a stifling clarity. If she survived, she was going to kill them.
    She was not going to be friendly about it. She was going to sever heads with her bare hands. They were going to take him back to the pack and eat him. They were going to eat Jerry like he was nothing but a piece of meat. The female clutched Jerry close to her body and the male held Sarah Watkins by the arm with his mouth. It was too late for Sarah, but for some reason they were saving Jerry.
    She had never seen them do such a thing , but the way the creature clutched Jerry, possessively, as if she had every right to be holding him, as if he belonged to her… It set something on fire inside of Al. Jerry didn’t belong to her. Jerry didn’t belong to anyone and she’d be damned if she was going to stand by while they chewed his bones to powder. She wouldn’t loose him… not again.
    Slowly her fingers began to twitch and then feeling returned to her legs. Her nails lengthen ed, but something was different this time. As rage and adrenaline built up in her blood she felt her face begin to change. It was subtle, but she could tell that it wasn’t the same. She waited until she had full control of her limbs before she swung her leg up to kick the release panel on the side of one of her boots.
    The silver knife slid free and before the creature could react she’d slashed him and he started to burn. The female screamed and attempted to smash her into the ground. Al rolled out of the way, jumped to her feet and did a round house with the knife in her boot, setting the female to burn. She screamed and it sounded so human that Al might have cried for her if she’d taken time to consider it, but she was like a guided missile all of a sudden.
    She unzipped her jacket as she ran after the animals that were running off with Jerry and Nurse Watkins. She felt the animals in the area as if they were all around her. Where the hell were they coming from? It was as if every creature in the country were on their way here. Hell, maybe even every creature on the planet. She was a powerful magnet, but not that powerful.
    There was something evil in Taming. She’d felt it even before all this had started. Maybe that was what was drawing them here. She almost lost sight of the creatures that were running ahead of her when one jumped in front of her. She easily blasted him. The harder the creatures tried to get away from her, the more enraged she seemed to become.
    It was an uncontrollable rage that she hadn’t felt since she’d come home from work that day all those years ago. She finally caught the female who was trying to carry Jerry as carefully as was possible. Alicia brought her down… hard. Jerry went tumbling out of her arms and Alicia buried her fist in the female’s snout. She felt satisfied when she heard bone crunching beneath her fist.
    The other one had apparently abandoned Nurse Watkins to join the fight. He clamped on to her arm.

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