Taming the Moguls
way it used to when he’d sneak over to Shiloh’s house
and throw pebbles at her window. The first time he sneaked inside,
he’d been just shy of seventeen. They’d giggled so loudly he felt
sure her dad was going to burst into her room with a shotgun.
    Her dad hadn’t caught them then, but the
threat lingered. Kevin approached the house and the trellis that
had barely held his weight as a teenager. He looked at Shiloh’s
window. She’d left the curtains open, but the lights were out. On a
deep breath, he tested the bottom rung of the trellis with his
boot. When it held, he climbed.
    The roof creaked when he scrambled up and
crawled across it. He clung to her windowsill with one hand and
attempted to lift the window with the other. It didn’t budge. He
tugged harder, assuming the Robinsons’ last paint job had sealed
the window tight. The window moved up a fraction, but no more.
    When Shiloh appeared on the other side of the
window wearing a sexy black teddy, his mouth fell open. He stopped
to appreciate the view. When he got his tongue to work, he
whispered, “Help me with the window. It’s stuck.”
    “It’s not stuck,” she said from the other
side of the thin glass. “It’s still locked.”
    One glance down told him she hadn’t turned
the latch. “Unhook it. I’m freezing.”
    She stepped back instead of stepping forward,
and he could only stare. Her fingers moved to the hem of her
lingerie, and she lifted it an inch, swaying her hips to some music
only women heard when seducing a man. Kevin’s mouth went dry, and
he forgot all about being cold. She turned around, stuck her sweet
ass in his face, and played peek-a-boo with her nightie. His jeans
became three sizes too small. When she turned around with a devious
smile, he motioned to unlock the window, but she just kept moving,
back and forth, round and round. One thin black strap fell from her
shoulder. She lifted the second and let it fall. The thin satiny
material clung to the tips of her breasts.
    Kevin swallowed. His fingers slipped from the
sill, and he had to slap the roof behind him to keep from sliding
off. “How much did you have to drink?”
    She shook her head and slid the material down
to her hips. He had two pulse beats to stare at the glory of her
chest before she slowly, playfully turned around. With her palms
over each cheek, she slid the material over her butt and stood in
nothing but a thin black thong. He was a hair’s breadth away from
breaking the glass.
    “Shi,” he whispered roughly, “please, baby.
Let me in.”
    She turned around, holding her breasts,
kneading them and moving her body like a temptress. “Do you want
    “You know I do.”
    “Do you want to touch me? Like this?” She
plucked at her nipples, and his hips jerked. “Or this?”
    He nearly toppled over when her hand moved
inside the tiny black V. Kevin groaned and leaned his forehead
against the glass. “Shi, please.”
    She stepped closer and put her face against
the glass. “You’re not going to get it, honey, until you figure out
a way for us to live together.”
    “Are you serious?” he blurted, not even
mindful of his voice carrying.
    “I love you. I want you inside me, but we’re
not in high school anymore. If you want me, then we need to figure
a way out of this mess together.” She knelt, but her boobs hanging
like globes of fruit in front of him didn’t help his concentration.
“I don’t like living with my parents while you live with your
brother. You’re not sneaking into my bedroom like you did when we
were kids and didn’t have any other choice. You’ve got a choice.
It’s not your way. It’s not my way. It’s our way. Until you figure
out how to trust me so we can make decisions about our future
together, you can’t have me.”
    “I do trust you. It’s me I don’t trust.”
    “Then figure out how to trust yourself.” She
stood and flung her hands on her hips. Her naked chest taunted him
through the window. “I

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