Taken Love

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Authors: KC Royale
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gains for those clients. I did my job, and I did it well, and with my impending degree in business and finance, I knew I would be successful.
    After the Ponzi schemes began circulation all over the media, people didn’t really know who they could trust. As a result, small startup firms were given chances to prove themselves, and I intended to capitalize on that, with every client that came my way. We were always preparing to move and expand, and we eventually did. Our hard work was paying off, because in nearly two years of being a company, P2 Enterprises was now International. Once I secured our office space, and employee agreements from those who started with me, it was really time to join the big leagues, and move into an applicable office space.
    I would normally hold my business meetings at my uncle’s office’s, or a conference center, even though most of our clients preferred video chat, but it was time now. I delayed the process of getting an office space, until I felt we were really ready as a company, to do so. It’s hard gaining respect, clients, and even harder for the international markets to trust you with their capital. I was always a go getter, and with a little persuasion and incentive, I believed that there was truly no limit to what you can do in this life. We started very small, learning the ins and outs of starting a company from the ground up. Also figuring out what we wanted to offer as a firm, to build clientele. Building relationships with the right people was essential, and after that first year we were on our way, my dream was coming true. I learned that the most important thing to do, is to start working towards your dreams. Most people have dreams, ones they think about every single day, but continue to do nothing about it. If you don’t try, and keep trying, those dreams die, and then you’re filled with regret for the rest of your life. Look at my dream, it was coming into fruition. Three clients had turned into thirty, then thirty had turned into sixty, all in that first year of being opened for business.
    Four years later, and I’m still working hard every second of my days, with the same drive I had in the first days on the job. I was always working, when I wasn’t thinking or obsessing about KP. The client list continued to grow, giving us the numbers, as well as the connections to show for it. ‘Quality over quantity’ was our motto, and people loved what we stood for. So much so, that in a matter of the last several months, my client list almost doubled, and that’s when the real revenue started to come in. I was still in my last year of college, and building my global empire in the process. I always stayed focused on the big picture, and the payoff was incredible. People were beginning to trust us with even more capital, people’s and their financial future was what my company secured successfully. This catapulted P2 Enterprises into the beginning stages of becoming a Fortune One Hundred company, and we weren’t even fully out of my uncle’s basement yet. The promise to a great life was bull, you had to earn it, and invest in it with all that you had to secure that. That’s what I did in my line of work, I learned what worked, and in that, ninety-five percent of my clients were very happy. Then you have that five percent that don’t trust your advice, and wants you to go another route, and they end up losing at their own hand and expense. My clients entrusted me with various means to invest, buy, and to sell for them, amongst the many more services that P2 Enterprises now offered to our clients. There were always more prospective clients lined up here in the USA, and now more people overseas were requesting our help in various ways, so in that alone, I knew there would always be money to be made. Our reputation was steadily climbing the wall of success, and in a cut throat city like New York, that was a compliment in itself. Believe them when they tell you, that if you can

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