Peach Blossom Pavilion

Peach Blossom Pavilion by Mingmei Yip

Book: Peach Blossom Pavilion by Mingmei Yip Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mingmei Yip
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical
ke and Big Master Fung?"
    She chuckled. "Ah, Xiang Xiang, you think you're smart but you're actually pretty stupid. Datou ke is the first man to collect qi from your yin part. These old men are desperate to collect youthful yin energy. If a man can have three hundred virgins, everything comes back-teeth, black hair, vitality."
    "Wah, then I'd also like to collect some yin energy when I grow old."
    Mama laughed, shivering the flesh on her face. "Sure, Xiang Xiang. That's why from time to time some old lesbians will come to us asking for virgins."
    Mama winked. "They're called mirror-rubbing girls. Because to lose their souls, two women can only rub their mirror-flat yin parts against each other."
    "Losing their soul! You mean they die?"
    "Xiang Xiang, I'm tired of your stupidity!" Mama yelled, then paused to smile mischievously. "But I'm sure Big Master Fung won't be tired of you."
    "Who's Big Master Fung?"
    "You've seen him at the party."
    "You mean that all-wrinkled-old-and-dying?"
    "Xiang Xiang, watch out for your stinky mouth!" She cast me a dirty look; her mole moved menacingly between her eyes. "He's al ready paid a huge amount for your first night. So you better make him happy. Otherwise ..." She stamped her foot on the-floor.-

    Now all my hair stood up on end. I could almost feel hundreds of slimy creatures crawling all over me, to be followed by the allwrinkled Big Master Fung.
    Mama grinned meaningfully. "Xiang Xiang, smart as you are, which would you prefer, a swarm of slimy rats crawling on you or only one Big Master Fung?"
    "One Big Master Fung, of course!"
    "Good girl. Behave and you'll get what you want." She patted my head, then counted her pudgy fingers. "Nice clothes, good food, a new hairstyle, ice cream, and now Big Master Fung and his longevity wrinkles, ha! ha! ha!-"
    While one minute Mama almost choked herself breathless with her lunatic laugh, the next minute she abruptly stopped, casting me a bloodcurdling glance. "Xiang Xiang, now take off all your clothes!"
    "Have you suddenly turned deaf? I said take off all your clothes! Now!" She squinted at me with her ratlike eyes. "Just do it! Or do you want me to strip you naked?"
    I began to peel off my clothes.
    Fang Rong walked around me, poking and pinching my body here and there as if she were choosing a piece of pork for dinner. After more squeezing and kneading, she nodded; a satisfied smile broke out on her face. "Ha," she muttered as if talking to herself, "Big Master Fung must be a clairvoyant to pay so much for a thirteen-year-old."
    Just then the door swung open and in walked Wu Qiang. Instinctively I tried to snatch up my clothes to cover my nudity.
    "Leave that on the floor! Now let your de examine you."
    I felt so humiliated that tears pooled in my eyes. My clothes fell on the floor and lay there like a crumpled human form.
    Mama's voice roared next to my ear. "What do you feel so embarrassed about? It's only your de. Haven't you just told me you slept with your own father? Now stand still and let your de look at you.
    Though I looked down at my toes so I didn't have to catch Wu Qiang's penetrating glances, I could still feel his hungry eyes ravaging all over me. My body began to tremble. I swung my arms to wrap them around my chest.

    Wu Qiang pulled my arms off. His voice was smooth while his eyeballs dropped to my nipples. "Xiang Xiang, don't worry. Sooner or later, all young girls have to become young women." His hand was warm on my bare shoulder. "It's no use to play lady when you're going to be a whore."
    A smile broke out on Fang Rong's face. "Wu Qiang, be gentle, she's just a little virgin."
    Now De split his lips to reveal white, uniform teeth. "Yes, you're right, just a little virgin." Seconds passed before he turned to Mama and said, still smiling, "So, what do you think?"
    Mama nodded appreciatively. "Good, everything up to parfine bones, smooth skin, tender flesh."
    De tousled my hair and added, "Also soft,

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