Taboo Kisses

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Book: Taboo Kisses by Gracen Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gracen Miller
Tags: Fantasy, Adult, Vampires
he r throat, coupled with her siren song and Maximus’ s groans, were the only noises in the room.
    Sameya gave him no warning, but suddenly screamed, her pussy clenching on his length as she climaxed . Shuddering, she went limp, her hands falling from both of their heads. But her eyes—fuck
     him her eyes—remained locked on his throughout her bliss .
    Ma ximus plunged hard , jerking her against Gabriel and eliciting a tiny whimper from her. He went over the edge , moaning as he released inside her. Cock twitching he executed two unhurried thrusts before going motionless . He cupped her cheeks and kissed her gently .
    Gabriel palmed his nape and Maximus parted from Sameya ’s lips to kiss the tiger over her shoulder. The sense of completeness in their life t ightened his chest , and Maximus forced back overwhelming emotions. He’d know n she’d feel perfect sandwiched between them, but nothing could’ve prepared him for the reality or the overpowering sentiment that burned his throat.
    “I know,” Gabriel said against his lips. “I feel it, too.”
    The tiger always seemed to understand hi m without him having to clarify anything. Another kiss, hard er and chock full of feelings . Maximus was damn glad he had Gabriel with him on the adventure to tame their mate.
    Still anchored deep inside her, Maximus levered himself off Sameya just enough she
     could breathe and lock his gaze on hers . “I release you from your serenade curse.”
    “Thank you.” Sameya sounded breathy. “I’ll stay a month.” Her eyes said she made no
     promises after that.
    Maximus nodded, grateful she at least afforded them some time. It gave him hope. He slipped his finger beneath the jewel-encrusted collar , intending to remove it as promised if she vowed to stay.
    “Don’t take it off.”

    Chapter Thirteen
    Maximus stilled at her command and peered at her hard. Distrust blazed from his eyes . Gabriel shifted enough that her torso was angled so he could get a gander of her face. Sameya thought she saw a pattern between the men . The tiger was more eager to trust her than the vampyr, but she had the feeling they’d
     both fight her tooth and nail to keep her with them.
    A riot of emotions didn’t just surge t hrough her, but short-circuited everything she’d ever believed and stood for. Freedom from the enslavement of mating had been her single moment in history to evade . T wo killer climaxes eradicated her need for liberty , and that terrified her . Finding not one, but two mates and both of them releasing her from the mating serenade…what were the chances of that? Zilch if the other mated sirens were anything to go by.
    Sameya owed them the month they’d asked for. It was the least she could do. And…holy goddess almighty , she wouldn’t refuse the orgasms they’d present to her . No point in denying herself when she had every intention to walk away in a month.
    “If things become too intense or…difficult”—she licked her lips , her breath stuttering out as Gabriel’s fingertips swirled around a nipple —“ I’ll be tempted to leave regardless of promises .” Confused why she confessed the secrets of her race , she made no attempt to resist the compulsion of honesty . “ Sirens covet this secret, and I shouldn’t be admit ting it , but we aren’t bound by our oaths the way the rest of the mystic community are . ” She could renege anytime she want ed . “ It’s part of what makes us so good at our jobs. ”
    Maximus ran his finger through the hollow of her throat. “You would grant me the privilege
     of holding that much power over you?”
    “For the month only.”
    The vampyr flexed his hips and withdrew from her. He dropped onto the bed beside them and rolled to his side to face them , head propped up with his palm . Gabriel repositioned them on their sides, facing Maximus. The tiger remained aligned against her back, his arm beneath her head, and his other arm around her waist, with his hand

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