Taboo Kisses

Taboo Kisses by Gracen Miller Page A

Book: Taboo Kisses by Gracen Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gracen Miller
Tags: Fantasy, Adult, Vampires
moisture off the tip, and then slowly circled the ball on the
     topside of his head. “Do you want me inside you, Sameya?”
    A slight movement to her head, but with the way Gabriel held her, she was unable to manage more . Gabriel’s gruff command emerged a second later. “Say it.”
    “Yes.” The word was spoken so lightly, Maximus almost missed it completely.
    He wanted inside her so bad his fangs ached. Over her shoulder Gabriel’s golden eyes watched him. Maximus dropped to his hands between their legs. He sent a fast swipe of his tongue through her open folds, the
     tip connecting with her clit . A feminine groan emerged , and a male groan followed when he licked Gabriel’s balls below her.
    Maximus rose to his knees and wiggled closer, until the front of his thighs hit t he back of Gabriel’s. His erection jutted up through her folds , and he rubbed the head across her clitoris. Sameya’s eyes slipped shut on a whimper as he gently pinched her clit with
     his fingers. “How pretty your pussy would look with your clitoral hood pierced.” Her
     eyelids flew upward. “ A piercing for me to play with.” He nudged the bottom bead of his barbell over her nub and she arched her hips into the glide.
    “Stop talking and fuck me already, vampyr.” The husky tenor of her voice betrayed
     her state of arousal.
    How could he refuse a request like that?
    Holding the base of his cock, he inched his head inside her. Sameya squirmed and Gabriel splayed his fingers on her belly to hold her motionless . “Remain still.”
    “Fuck.” Maximus grit his teeth. She was so tight and soft, like a silk pussy encasing his crown. If her mouth had felt half this good, no wonder Gabriel
     had been unable to hold out longer. “Goddamn, you’re tight .”
    “You’re killing me, vampyr.”
    Their gazes locked. He palmed a breast, circling a nipple with his thumb.
    Maximus pushed a little further inward , the first of his ladder-back barbell s disappearing inside her . “No worse than you’re killing me, siren.”
    Sameya lifted an arm back ward to anchor in Gabriel’s hair, while scraping the fingernails of her other hand across
     Maximus’ s scalp. She wound the digits in his chin-length hair and tugged him down for a kiss.
    Her tongue was in his mouth before their lips settled together good. Teeth scraped across his lips, they were hers, not his. She yanked his head back,
     the sting to his scalp contrary to her reservation earlier. “ Damn you, vampyr , get inside me.”
    “Watch me enter you ,” Maximus said. Gabriel released her throat , and she peered between her thighs. He pushed slowly, but steadily, his inches leisurely disappearing into her wet channel . Finally the last of his barbells were in and he thrust hard, burying the remaining length to the hilt. “Sing for me, siren.”
    Maximus pulled almost all the way out and plunged back in. Sameya sighed, her hips rocking with the movement of his drives into her. Gabriel slid his hand from her abdomen to
     between her thighs, his fingers on either side of Maximus’ s cock slipping in and out of her soaked sheath.
    Her slick heat grinding down on his cock was as good as being inside Gabriel. Just different.
    “Goddamn, you feel so fucking good.” He quickened his strokes as Gabriel removed his
     hand from between their body to stroke and fondle her breasts.
    “I didn’t know”— e yes wide, her amazement shone from her face—“ it c ould feel this amazing.”
    A harmonious tune emerged, a tone that could only have come from the Heavens. The
     call of the mating siren? He’d heard legends of it, but…Maximus peered at Gabriel.
     He seemed to suffer no ill effect.
    “I think she likes us.” Gabriel licked her neck; his golden eyes alight with male satisfaction .
    Maximus increased the depth of his thrusts, going balls deep inside her. “Sameya is
     ours.” The wet strokes of flesh-on-flesh were loud in the room. The tiny noises Sameya made at the back of

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