Tabitha's Seduction
adjust my blouse a bit. I take a deep breath. Just
walk inside the office and act normal, smile and be yourself. I
walk up to his door and grasp the handle, turn it an open the door.
I walked inside.
    “ Ah, Tabitha,” said Mr. Rossi. “So good to meet you in
    I felt sweat drip down my back. “Nice to meet you too, Mr.
Rossi.” His office was nicely furnished with a beautiful oak desk,
leather chairs, and several bookcases stuffed with all sorts of
books. On his wall there were several beautiful paintings, one of
which looked like an old castle. Andre looked about 35 or 40 and
hotter in person than I could imagine. Those green eyes were
intoxicating, his suit fit perfectly — he had a strong powerful jaw with
perfect skin, although he was a bit pale.
Rossi flexed his hands and sat back in his leather office chair.
“Please, there’s no need for such trivial formalities, you may call
me Andre.”
    “ Yes, Andre.” Wow! He wants me to call him by his name, he’s
very laid back. What does he want with me? I don’t want to lose
this amazing job.
    “ Please, have a seat.”
    I sat
down in one of the two big leather chairs across from him. “Thank
    “ I wanted to let you know that we are very pleased with your
work. “Your dedication to your job over the past two weeks has been
exceptional and I wanted to repay you for it.”
    “ Repay me?”
    “ Yes, of course. I want you to have a nice evening away from
this paperwork, you deserve something special. I wanted to ask you
if you would dine with me this evening.”
Did this god of a man just say dine? I pinched myself hard. This
has to be some sort of dream!
    “ I would be honored to dine with you. Thank you, this is very
nice of you. Really don’t know what to say.”
    “ Good, then it’s settled,” said Andre.
    “ Where are we going? What restaurant is it? I haven’t actually
explored the dining establishments in Romania yet,” I
    “ A restaurant isn’t appropriate, as my kitchen staff will
prepare a superior meal. We are to dine at my estate.”
    This is
a dream. His estate? I’m dining at his house! “That sounds
wonderful, but I really don’t think I am dressed for any formal
    “ You need not worry, I’ll have Mei-Xing find you appropriate
attire for the evening.” Andre pressed a button on his electronic
intercom. “Mei-Xing, please dress Tabitha for a dinner
    A voice
came over the intercom. “Yes, Mr. Rossi.”
pushed another button and the book case against the far wall opened
up revealing two doors. “Please Tabitha, Mei-Xing will be waiting.
Take the corridor to the elevator at the far end. She will take you
down for dressing.”
    “ Thank you, Andre.” This is wonderful. I get to pick out my own
dress for dinner. I can’t believe this is happening.
    “ One thing,” he said. “Please let your hair down, I would like
that.” You look lovely now but with the hair down, you will be
    “ I will do that, thank you for the suggestion.” I was willing
do anything he asked.
    “ Please.” He motioned to door. “Mei-Xing is waiting, I will
meet you in the underground parking. She will take you there. I
will see you soon.”
    “ Ok.” Andre pressed another button and the doors opened for me.
I waked inside, down the corridor to the elevator. I didn’t even
know this area of his office even existed and it was a bit
frightening but I wasn’t going to let the chance of actually going
out to dinner with him get in the way of my apprehension. As I was
almost at the elevator, the door opened and out stepped this
amazing looking young Asian girl. She was wearing a skin tight
black leather dress with matching high heels. Her hair was long,
black, wavy, and simply beautiful. She was enough to make any man
look more than twice, because I was looking more than
    “ Tabitha,” she said. Please come with me, no keep Andre waiting
too long.”
stepped into

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