Swan Song (Julie O'Hara Mystery Series)

Swan Song (Julie O'Hara Mystery Series) by Lee Hanson

Book: Swan Song (Julie O'Hara Mystery Series) by Lee Hanson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lee Hanson
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months’…so…Dianna was seeing both men at the same time?”
    “Yes. She told me Linc Tyler wanted to marry her. I believe she was considering it for a while…until Lee told her he was going to leave Sylvia. Until he leased the condo…”
    “What condo?”
    Evelyn looked away, hesitating.
    She doesn’t want to tell me…feels like she has to…to clear her conscience.
    “The one Downtown here, on Franklin Street.”
    “Yes. Across the lake.”
    * * * * * 
    Chapter 22
    November 26, 2009
    S ylvia Brandt-Porter deftly twisted her husband’s tie into a perfect bow.
    “Really, Lee, why do you insist on wearing tennis cufflinks to a formal dinner?”
    He sighed and turned away, not bothering to answer her.
    Because Dianna gave them to me.
    It was so much harder to tolerate Sylvia now. Lee didn’t even like her anymore.
    When did that happen? Was it year two, or three?
    Whichever it was, it was shortly after his law partner, James Brandt, walked her down the aisle. Lee remembered being happy on that day, glancing at Sylvia beneath her veil, soft blonde waves framing her face. Her elegant profile had reminded him of a delicately carved cameo. Things were good then. Sylvia was fun to be with, a friend with benefits. Lee had honestly expected their friendship to grow into love.
    Right. It was our first anniversary. What a joke.
    Inspired by their wedding day, Lee had known what Sylvia’s first anniversary gift would be. He ordered a hand-carved Sardonyx shell cameo from Italy. He was so excited when it arrived. He thought it was beautiful, high relief set in gold, on a fine gold chain. He’d kept it in the office where she wouldn’t find it, and presented it to her on their anniversary over dinner at Le Coq Au Vin. He held her hand and explained why he’d chosen a cameo for her.
    Sylvia was “touched”; it was a “wonderful gift”.
    Lee couldn’t remember her ever wearing it…not even once.
    Screw you. I’m wearing my tennis cufflinks.
    Dianna walked into her townhouse and hit the button on her answering machine.
    “ Received December first at ten-forty-seven-a-m,” said the recorded voice. And then it was Lee: “I’ve leased a condo, Dianna. I’ve already moved some of my things. I’m leaving her right after the holidays. Please, please, call me back. I love you.”
    He was leaving her! She played the message again. He was moving!
    Overcome with emotion, Dianna walked around in a tight circle, tears running down her face, her hands clasped at her chin as if in thankful prayer. She picked up the phone and began to key in the familiar number, then quickly hung it up.
    What should I say? I shouldn’t be so easy. It’s not like he’s already moved! Evelyn said he would never leave Sylvia. What if she’s right? It makes sense, though, to wait until after the holidays. It would be cruel to leave before then. I should at least see him.
    She punched in the number.
    “Porter and Brandt.”
    “Hi, Evelyn. Is Lee there?”
    “Hello, Dianna,” she said, whispering into the phone. “I thought you might call. Are you sure you want to do this?”
    It was at times like this that Dianna got angry with Evelyn.
    “Yes, Evelyn, I’m sure. Please put me through.”
    In a moment, Lee was on the line.
    “Hello, Lee.”
    “Oh, God. I’m so glad to hear your voice. I’ve missed you so much. When can I see you?”
    “You’re the one who has trouble getting away,” said Dianna.
    “Not for long, that’s what I want to talk to you about. Can you meet me tonight?”
    “All right. Where?”
    “Downtown. Let’s meet at seven, Kres Chophouse. I’ll take you to see the condo after dinner. I’d ask you to stay, but I don’t have a bed yet,” he said laughing.
    Dianna smiled and then steeled herself. She would not be that easy.
    “Well, how do you like it?” said Lee, as he went about lighting candles that reflected on the dark, polished granite of the kitchen

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