Sudden Response

Sudden Response by R.L. Mathewson Page A

Book: Sudden Response by R.L. Mathewson Read Free Book Online
Authors: R.L. Mathewson
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    "He'll probably be sent for an evaluation and have his medication tweaked until they find a dosage that works. Then he'll
    probably be sent to a new residential program," Eric said, walking over to the supply shelves to grab a box of synthetic gloves,
    size extra large. He was just about to grab a box of mediums out of habit when he remembered that Joe wasn't working with
    "He won't get arrested for hurting Joe?"
    "No," Eric said. "He's a mental patient. He's pretty much covered while he's receiving help."
    "That's fucked up," Greg said.
    "That's the job," Eric said, grabbing a box of pens and a fresh pack of run sheets.
    "What about the residential home? Will they get into trouble?"
    Eric chuckled without humor. "A slap on the hand."
    "Joe could sue the program," Teddy suggested, mostly to start shit.
    "She can sue?" Greg asked, sounding too damn eager for Eric's peace of mind.
    "She could, but she won't," Eric said firmly. That was too much drama, time, and bullshit for Joe.
    He finished checking out the ambulance and gestured for Teddy to get his ass in the truck when the other man headed for the
    door, no doubt he thought he was planting his lazy ass on the couch and staying there until they had a call. Normally he wouldn't
    care so much, but he had a lot of shit to do today
    "Let's go," Eric said, grabbing the oxygen tank from Greg and secured the tank into its hold and attached the valves.
    "We don't have a call," Teddy pointed out when Eric jumped out of the back of the ambulance. "Until then I'm sitting down," he
    said, absently running his fingers over his taped nose.
    "I want to go check on Joe," Eric said, gesturing for Greg to climb in the back. A fter a short hesitation he grabbed his
    backpack and climbed inside.
    Eric walked around to the driver's side.
    "Check on her?" Teddy repeated, sounding confused. "Oh, come on!" he said seconds later. "You just talked to her!"
    "A re you done with your hissy fit, cupcake?" Eric said, pausing by the driver's side door. "Cause if you are I'd like to go check
    up on Joe before we get a call."
    Teddy waved him off. "Then go. A fterwards come and pick me up," Teddy said, heading for the door.
    "Get in the truck," Eric snapped, tired of this bullshit. He wasn't about to receive a write up because he left his crew member
    behind. If they received an emergency call it would be his ass in the sling for not having his partner. He'd have to refuse the
    call and that's a game he wouldn't play.
    "Or what? You'll write me up?" Teddy snorted.
    "In a heartbeat," Eric said with absolutely no hesitation as he climbed into the driver's side. He pulled on his seatbelt and
    started the vehicle, ignoring the little rant the prick was having. He wasn't too surprised when a minute later Teddy climbed
    into the passenger seat and slammed the door shut.
    "You're a fucking asshole, Eric," Teddy bit out angrily.
    "Uh huh," Eric said absently as he reached for the mike. "Echo seventeen to dispatch," he said.
    "Go ahead Echo seventeen," dispatch said.
    "We're on the air," he said, ignoring Teddy's murderous glare.
    "One minute, Echo seventeen."
    Eric slowly drove out of the garage as he waited for dispatch to tell them they were clear. Even though he'd left her less than
    two hours ago he was anxious to get back to her and make sure that she was okay. Thankfully his mother had a free day, not that
    she wouldn't have dropped everything to take care of Joe otherwise he would have banged out of his shift to take care of her.
    He didn't want to be here today working with this prick, but he knew if he missed work that would just piss Joe off more and
    only make her more determined to get back to work. She was too damn stubborn sometimes. He was not looking forward to the
    bullshit he was going to have to go through to get her off the truck permanently, but as long as she was safe and happy it would
    be worth it.
    "Echo seventeen?"
    "Echo seventeen," Eric said, knowing that tone. They were

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