Stiletto Secrets

Stiletto Secrets by Bella J.

Book: Stiletto Secrets by Bella J. Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bella J.
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    Nicholas stepped forward and held out his arm toward her. “Are you ready to be my date, princess?”
    And Emma thought there was no way he could make her blush more than he already had. Her cheeks felt warm as all the blood rushed to her face.
    “Are you ready for your father’s wrath?”
    A roguish grin spread along his face. “I’m more than ready. In fact, I look forward to it.”
    Emma just shook her head, amused, and hooked her arm in his. Something about standing by his side just felt… right. Emma couldn’t help but think about what it would be like to be by his side permanently . But she couldn’t lose focus. This was only pretend. Nicholas had only asked her to be his date to get his father and this woman off his back. He didn’t ask her because he had feelings for her, or because he liked her, or even just because he wanted to. He asked her because he was desperate.
    As he led her through the halls, Emma kept on telling herself not to see anything more, not to want anything more from a man like Nicholas. But her heart kept on hoping, causing her to want so much more from him.
    A maid and a stripper falling for a millionaire playboy. What a cliché .
    They reached the dining hall and Nicholas glanced at her. “So, how good an actress are you?”
    Emma smiled despite herself. “If you only knew.” Yeah, if he only knew…
    “Here goes.”
    Nicholas opened the doors and suddenly every eye in the room was on them. Emma’s heart hammered behind her ribs and for a moment her stomach churned. Her grip on Nicholas’ arm tightened.
    He placed his palm over her hand, but it did nothing to still her wildly beating heart. As a matter of fact, his touch just made it worse.
    Nicholas squeezed her hand. “Breathe, Emma. Just breathe.”
    With small, slow steps he led her into the room. A few hours ago Emma had helped decorate this room, putting everything in place to create the most elegant and refined dinner party, fit for the rich and famous. Now, Emma was walking among those rich and famous as a guest and as Nicholas Blake’s date. As a little girl her parents had hosted tons of these kinds of parties, and she used to love them. But it had been years since she had attended a prestigious party like this one, other than being a waitress, or the maid.
    Nicholas leaned down to her ear. “Are you okay?”
    Shivers travelled all the way down her spine as his warm breath skidded across her cheek.
    “If I faint, will you pick me up?”
    “What kind of date would I be if I didn’t?”
    Emma looked up and met his gaze.
    Just as she opened her mouth to say only God knows what, a young dark-haired man stepped up to them.
    “Nicholas, where the hell have you been, man?” And then he noticed Emma. “And who is this gorgeous flower?”
    Nicholas rolled his eyes. “Adam, has anyone ever told you that you suck at giving compliments without sounding like a complete pervert?”
    “Many times.” Adam kept his leering gaze on Emma.
    “Emma, this is Adam, my obnoxious self-absorbed friend, and also self-proclaimed man whore. Adam, this is Emma.”
    Adam’s gaze flitted up to Nicholas. “Emma? As in the eight Emma?”
    “Oh my God, Adam, you really don’t have a filter do you?” Nicholas stared back at Adam, slack-jawed.
    “You know I’m known for a lot of things, my friend, having a filter ain’t one of them.” Adam turned his head and gazed back at Emma. “But, Nicholas, I have to say you had it so fucking wrong.”
    “Yeah, yeah, I know. Ten.”
    “Make that a twelve.”
    “Excuse me,” Emma glanced from Adam to Nicholas, “are you two actually rating me?”
    Nicholas nodded his head in Adam’s direction. “He is.”
    “Hey, at least I’m giving you a twelve.” Adam shrugged a shoulder and winked at her.
    Emma looked up at Nicholas. “You gave me an eight?” She crossed her arms and scowled at him.
    “In my defense, I had only seen you in that hideous maid’s uniform then.”
    Emma had

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