Steeped in Evil (A Tea Shop Mystery)

Steeped in Evil (A Tea Shop Mystery) by Laura Childs Page A

Book: Steeped in Evil (A Tea Shop Mystery) by Laura Childs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Childs
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if I’m such a big bad monster?”
    Theodosia decided to meet Georgette’s tumble of words head-on. “As a matter of fact, I do.”
    “Well, the simple fact of the matter is, they’ve got their undies in a twist all because I made an offer on Knighthall Winery. A rather generous one at that, considering the circumstances.”
    “Those circumstances being . . . what?” Theodosia asked.
    “Oh, how about the fact that their winery is a losing proposition and Jordan Knight doesn’t really know what he’s doing?”
    “Jordan Knight seems to be under the impression that you acted quite aggressively toward him,” said Theodosia.
    Georgette considered this for a moment, then her mouth twitched and a smile worked its way across her broad face. “That’s probably because I
aggressive. How else do you become a success in business?”
winery a success?” Theodosia wasn’t being impudent; she was just plain curious. She found this woman a fascinating study in brashness and bravado.
    “I’d say so,” Georgette said in measured tones. “We produced almost five hundred thousand bottles last year and practically doubled production this year.”
    “That sounds pretty amazing. You have that many orders?”
    “We do,” said Georgette. “It seems we’re the flavor of the mouth here in South Carolina.” She looked rather pleased and added, “North Carolina and Georgia, too.”
    “You must have excellent distribution,” said Theodosia. She decided to keep Georgette talking and learn as much as she could from her.
    “I’ve built a crackerjack sales force that’s opening more and more accounts every day.”
    “Then it sounds like you’ve got your hands full.”
    “You got that right,” said Georgette. “Some days I don’t know if I’m coming or going.”
    “Then why would you want to take on Knighthall Winery, too? Why on earth did you make them an offer?”
    Georgette glanced down at her program, then back at Theodosia. “I didn’t want to buy the winery per se. It was the vineyard I was after, simple as that. More grape production equals more wine equals more bottles for me to sell.”
    Keep her talking, keep her talking
, Theodosia told herself. Luckily, Georgette was cooperating nicely.
    Besides,” Georgette continued, “I think Pandora was rather pleased with the offer I made.”
    This was news to Theodosia. “You think so?” As far as she could recall, the Knights had made it sound like Georgette was trying to negotiate a hostile takeover.
    “In fact, I’m fairly sure that Pandora’s had a belly full of the wine business.”
    “What are you saying?” said Theodosia. “That Pandora wants out?”
    Georgette nodded. “My guess is that Pandora would like to
cash out.
That she’s sick to death of the whole thing. Think about it—she’s endured five years of nursing so-so harvests, of struggling to gain traction in a tough market, and negotiating with the bank for additional time to pay off their loans.”
    “I had no idea things were that bad,” said Theodosia.
    Georgette uttered a sharp bark. “Bad? They’re terrible out there! Pandora is divorcing Jordan and is probably going to take him to the cleaners. And face it, she certainly never got along with Drew.”
    “What you’re telling me is . . . interesting,” said Theodosia. Actually, it was enlightening!
    “It’s a mess out there at Knighthall,” said Georgette. “Even Tom Grady is thinking about moving on.”
    “Would you hire him?”
    Georgette’s eyes slid away from her just as the lights dimmed and a riff of music filled the air. And Theodosia realized that Georgette had indeed talked to Grady. In fact, Grady had probably confided to Georgette that she was the one looking into things. Okay, so a direct pipeline to Georgette. She’d have to be a little careful here.
    “Grady’s a good manager,” Georgette said as she leafed nonchalantly through her program. “He understands viticulture inside and out. I

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