Stealing a Lady's Heart: A Regency Fairytale (Fairfield Fairytales Book 1)

Stealing a Lady's Heart: A Regency Fairytale (Fairfield Fairytales Book 1) by Tammy Andresen

Book: Stealing a Lady's Heart: A Regency Fairytale (Fairfield Fairytales Book 1) by Tammy Andresen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tammy Andresen
that had been building between her legs became unbearable and she pushed his head lower, unable to help herself.
    She felt him smile against her abdomen but he obliged her and when his lips gently touch her small folds she went wild. She bucked against him and a moan escaped her lips. He continued his ministrations until she felt she could hardly stand it, the pleasure was so intense.
    He stopped suddenly and she started to protest but his lips skimmed up her body and then he was between her legs. The pressure of his hips against hers felt amazing. With one quick thrust he was inside her. She let out a small cry of pain.
    He stilled against her and softly kissed her lips. “It will feel better in a moment,” he said, continuing to kiss her as her body adjusted. Then Graham slowly began moving inside of her.
    She tensed, waiting for the pain but instead waves of pleasure washed over her. They built higher and higher as the pace grew more intense. When she thought she couldn’t stand it another second, Graham let out an intense groan of pleasure as Charlotte tumbled over the edge of her desire.
    He rolled onto his side, pulling her with him until they lay face to face. He wrapped his arms around her.
    “Are you all right?” she asked.
    He gave her a beautiful smile. Looking at him took her breath away. 
    “I should be asking you that.” Graham tenderly brushed a strand of hair from her cheek.
    Charlotte hesitated. The moment had been so amazing she didn’t want to bring up his doubts now but she wanted reassurance that he didn’t regret what they had just done. “I just mean do you regret…” 
    He put a finger to her lips, “I will never regret it. I just hope you don’t.” Then he snuggled her close. 
    Charlotte kissed his shoulder. “How could I regret something so beautiful?” she murmured as she closed her eyes. Charlotte was relieved that he was happy. Another person’s happiness had never in her life been so important to her. After days of sleeping on the hard ground, the soft feather bed felt amazing. Warm, safe and satisfied, she could feel herself drifting off into sleep.
    “Pray you always feel that way,” she heard Graham’s voice far away before she heard nothing.
    * * * *
    Graham lay in bed staring at his sleeping wife. His father was going to disown him. Her father was going to murder him.
    It was worth it.
    Her long lashes lay against her slightly flushed cheeks. Her full rosy lips pouted out as she softly breathed in and out.  He brushed a few beautiful blond tresses away from her face. His fingers trailed down the curve of her back, her skin like silk under his fingertips.
    He knew he should sleep. He would need his strength for the next few days but Graham wanted to drink her in for every second that he could. She was his. He had met beautiful women before but none had captured his heart the way she had. 
    It had taken every ounce of his strength to deny her in the woods. He only gave in now because he truly believed this was best for her. Graham had meant what he said under the bay willow. He would sacrifice his life to keep her safe.  His life no longer mattered. Only Charlotte’s was important. He felt in his heart that this was fate. He was put on this Earth to save the woman he loved. He could admit that now that they were married. He loved her with all his heart.
    His finger trailed down her cheek again.  A nervous flutter rose in his chest. What if he didn’t succeed? He gritted his teeth. The path would become clear, it had to. 
    Graham snuggled Charlotte closer. He would protect her and, in the meantime, he would enjoy whatever time they had together.
    * * * *
    The late morning sun peeked into the windows when Graham and Charlotte finally woke. She smiled at her husband, her heart shining through her eyes. “I love you,” the words slipped through her lips before she had a chance to stop them. She bit her bottom lip as he looked at her. She wished she could take the

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